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I would like to believe (and I do believe) that your experience in a heimishe office was the exception rather than the rule.

However, you rasie an important point. There are many people who believe that when their young daughters first enter the wrok force they are better off (i.e. safer and more insulated) in a cozy frum office in Brooklyn, than with a large firm in the city.

I beg to differ.

In the contemporary corporate enviroment of harrassmant litigation, the human resources departments are practically paralyzed with fear over lawsuits. Managers are subjected to constant training and advisories on the topic of harrassmant and harrassment is so broadly defined you can barely look at anyone without risking your career.

This is compared with the small frum office environment where the coziness often breeds an inappropriate amount of familiarity and where respect for applicable laws and due process is all too often sneered at as something the goyim need to worry about, not us.

All other things being equal, I’d much rather have my daughter work in a big company.