Reply To: Out Of The Mailbag: (Who Are Our Camp Counselors?)

Home Forums Summer & Camp Issues Out Of The Mailbag: (Who Are Our Camp Counselors?) Reply To: Out Of The Mailbag: (Who Are Our Camp Counselors?)


I have to agree with the writer. The issue was more about camp than about SEED. The only connection that there is between SEED and camp is that many of the bachurim who go on SEED are the ones who probably would have been counselors if the yeshivos let them be counselors in camp. I know of many bochurim in my son’s yeshivah who went for SEED because the yeshivah wouldn’t let them go to camp. It is not an issue of shortening the zman but rather of allowing those who want to go to camp, and can be of influence in camp, to go to camp. I think the yeshivos look at bochurim who want to go to camp as immature and that camp is Hefkarus; whereas camp is probably less Hefkar than any other summer activity the boys do.