I'm flattered

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    A guy at the grocery store just stared at me for 5-8 seconds and then said, “We have a Rebbetzin over here” in a cynical tone.

    Yays ~ Stopped by the grocery store after tonight’s shiur. Super tznius.

    Feels like I passed a test! Writing this in the parking lot 🙂

    jhonny appleseed


    You’re amazing! I would never be able to do that!


    Lol. Of course you would! I just was grocery shopping looking very frum in a non-Jewish out of town grocery store 🙂

    Thank you ~ you’re sweet!

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Shkoyach LB! That’s incredible! You think the guy was Jewish? How did he know what a Rebbetzin is?


    LU: Yes. And yet I have no clue. Omgosh I would have never guessed that he was. Could have been. Must have been right? Looked like a regular guy.

    I didn’t know what a Rebbetzin was until maybe 5yo when I started learning more about Judaism.

    On one hand maybe it was anti-semitism but I think it was more like a Jewish guy making a rude remark who had no clue that to me it was the biggest compliment.


    The staring part really reminded me of myself. I stared at a lady at the grocery store the other week. Like looking at her sleeves elbows sleeves baby boy in her hands trying to figure out if she was frum.

    But I hopefully wasn’t staring in a mean way. I told myself that next time I do that I need to say what I was thinking (which was, “I like your dress”)

    Actually I was so impressed by her tzniusness which looked so normal and put together, and very mature and classy and it was all loose yet fitted well… that when I saw a similar looking dress last week on eBay for $5, I ordered it.

    Dunno if it will fit and this one needs a shell underneath, which I also ordered on eBay B”H. But she inspired me to try something different and has no clue.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Cool! I guess she’ll find out one day that she is getting reward for something she didn’t even know she did.

    In terms of the guy, my guess was that he grew up Frum and went off. Even if he meant it sarcastically, maybe he was really impressed on some level and maybe you had an influence on him and didn’t even realize it. Maybe you too will find out one day that you are getting rewarded for something you didn’t even realize you did.

    You never know the influence you might be having on someone without realizing it and all the ripple effects it causes!


    You are the sweetest LU ?

    As much as I have thanked you, may your Olam Haba be much greater and higher than you can even imagine (because all the thanks still cannot express the gratitude).

    Maybe he did grow up frum. He def had a good eye to spot me out from such a distance. I am still trying to acquire Frum-dar (radar to spot frum Jews).


    My next wonder is if he thought I was wearing a sheitel (which would be a mega compliment, generally, because most sheitels are so pretty and have way more volume than my hair… unless he thought I was wearing a modest sheitel and then it would be neutral and maybe still flattering).

    He was maybe 10-15 feet away. I don’t think he saw my hands.

    Guessing he felt some strong pull towards Yiddishkeit since he was so vocal about it. Maybe I can pray for him this Shabbos. Who knows. I want to.


    Btw the dress came in the mail today. I was going to give it away because it feels lacking but I just remembered how a Rebbetzin wore a long sweater over a dress and it looked so cute. Maybe with accessories and another layer it will work 🙂

    … hehe and she had no clue that I was paying attention to more than her amazing presentation.


    Note to women and men who dress tzniusly or Jewishly, if a regular secular-looking person is staring at you, it may be because he or she is growing and admires your outfit and is taking mental notes.

    I apologize for being weird in parking lots and grocery stores. Half the time I want to tell you that I am Jewish too and Omgosh I love your kippa/dress/shoes/skirt/sleeves! And ask if you also go to X shul… But that’s weird. So I don’t and prob make you feel weirder. You are not weird.

    You’re amazing! And I am in awe that you do this day in and out with such beauty ?

    Thanks ve ahavta lereicha kamochaa



    Redleg: Thanks for your sensitivity.

    Most certainly I do not think that the guy meant to compliment me in any way.

    All I was was tznius. I wasn’t trying to look like a Rebbetzin. To a frum Jew I would have looked like a frum Jew.

    Actually to frum Jews, one can probably tell I am unmarried at the time since I don’t wear any rings and my hair is on the longer-side and sometimes braided

    No headcovering. I also don’t have the bangs or volume that I see in many sheitels that women wear in my area.

    How else could one look like a Rebbetzin?

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