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    What’s the deal with drones?

    What do people do with them?


    A company in Israel is making an unmanned flying ambulance drone that’s like a flying car to pick up hurt passengers.

    It’s designed to be more effective than helicopters.


    A drone is a small aircraft usually with a camera

    Most people use them to take pictures from the air, but they could have other uses


    Drones can be used for surveillance and photography (at the owners behest, such as farmers keeping track of their crops and livestock – or police/criminals for their own reasons). Drones can probably deliver packages and mail especially in remote areas (as an ambulance they would be only as a last resort since one wants someone on the ambulance to treat the patient). The military has many uses for drones for surveillance and blowing things up (since you don’t need space for a human, there is more space for explosives).


    It’s kind of creepy to know that a regular person could be spying on you with a drone.

    Ones that weigh “more than two sticks of butter” need to be registered with the FAA (CNN… quoted from memory, closed the tab after reading and not opening it back up right now… to keep this train of thought).

    The cool thing is that a journalist can use a drone, which can help in places where journalists are excluded, or it is dangerous.

    Do you have to be using the remote control continuously for it to fly? Does it have a hover or autopilot?

    It would be cool if you could make home movies with it, like video taping family or a party without having to pull out a cell phone or camcorder (is that the modern word?).


    akuperma: It’s nice to use drones to send mail and/or blow things up. Or at least nicer than sending pigeons who sometimes got killed or hurt. Nicer than sending rats out with chemical weapons.


    A Chinese man was detained for flying a drone in very high altitudes and dangerously close to airplanes preparing for landing. It should be restricted to science and military use only.

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