Chocolate maccabees

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    Are chocolate maccabees considered statues and not allowed?

    I was just browsing through kosher gift baskets for Channukah. All they had was chocolate Torahs, a Channukiah, Dreidels, and Jewish Stars.

    Then I remembered how I used to love getting and eating chocolate maccabees during Channukah.

    Is it frum or not frum to eat chocolate people?

    FYI: According to their website, this company sells Cholov Yisroel, non-Cholov Yisroel Dairy, and Pareve chocolates.

    Interestingly, the company also sells Christmas chocolates. I imagine that this must be a nice hakaras hatov way to treat co-workers and friends.


    It’s just weird. Eating an effigy of something should probably be reserved for things that you would actually want to eat.

    I just Googled it. Seems they’re just their Christmas chocolates in different wrapping.


    Isn’t it also weird to eat a Channukiah and Torah scroll? Or coins?

    At least they helped me learn the names of all of the tribes. I don’t even know them all by heart now. But if I had them in chocolate….


    It is also weird to eat non-food inanimate objects, but not as bad as eating people.


    Fair enough.

    I have yet to think of another example of eating a person in Jewish food. The closest thing is Haman’s hat but that is no where close to eating an actual Haman.

    I guess most frum children don’t eat nonkosher animal animal crackers. I didn’t realize that they prob don’t eat people-shaped sugar cookies either. Even if they are kosher.

    Is it okay to eat alphabet soup not on Shabbos or Yom Tovs?

    Thanks for your replies RebYidd23


    RebYidd23: Omg!!! You were literally serious.

    I just Googled it too.

    I promise mine growing up looked like warriors on the inside. There was no Santa look and beard.

    Did my child brain just not notice as it happily consumed these treats? It is not like I had chocolate Santas to compare them to, nor any reason to analyze them with a critical eye.

    Wow… okay then I am still in shock.


    My kids eat lion and bear and giraffe animal cookies with the best hechsherim. And we make homemade cookies using dreidle, menora, and elephant cookie cutters for chanuka.


    Was it always okay with you to let them eat nonkosher animals?

    Some wait until the children are a bit older to introduce nonkosher animals into theit homes.


    LB, I have heard that chabad is very makpid about not having non-kosher animals around- not even in picture books or as toys. So instead of teddy bears, the kids will have stuffed lambs or cows. I don’t know if they eat animal cookies. You don’t find that among other types of frum Jews, although many will not have an impure animal as a pet. I don’t think anyone (other than maybe Chabad?) has an issue with animal crackers, no matter what age the child. My kids do not confuse eating a lion cookie with the real thing.


    There’s no problem with alphabet-shaped food not on Shabbos/ Yom Tov.

    (Shabbos/Yom Tov might not be much of a problem either,

    depending on the food in question.)


    WTP: I can see elephant cookies working out well since if they expand while cooking they’ll still look like elephants.


    Winnie, why do you mention giraffe animal crackers? Giraffes are kosher. No one eats them, for a variety of reasons like being protected species and not having a strong mesorah. But when my firstborn was a baby a Chabad friend gave us a bunting with giraffes and was pleased that she had found something with a kosher animal.


    I was just trying to remember what kind of animals were in the package, other than the animals that we usually eat. I guess giraffe was a bad example.

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