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Poll: 91 Percent of Israelis: Stop the Next Flotilla Too

A poll commissioned by the Yisrael HaYom daily, conducted by New Wave Research reveals 91% of Israeli support stopping the next Gaza flotilla too.

1. Are you satisfied with the performance of the following individuals?
PM Netanyahu – 45% satisfied – 44% dissatisfied.
DM Barak – 35% satisfied – 54% dissatisfied.
FM Lieberman – 41% satisfied – 47% dissatisfied.
IDF Chief Ashkenazi – 76% satisfied – 11% dissatisfied.

2. Following the Gaza flotilla operation, the question arises how the operation should be investigated.
A judicial inquiry that is empowered to act on the findings of the inquiry – 38%
State inquiry empowered to question witnesses and act against individuals based on findings – 33%
Don’t know – 16%
International inquiry – 13%

3. Last week, Israel stopped vessels trying to break the marine embargo on Gaza. Should Israel have done so?
Stop the boats – 92%
Don’t stop the boats – 5%
Don’t know – 3%

4. On the assumption there will be additional flotillas, do you think Israel should act to stop those boats in the future?
Stop the boats in the future – 91%
Don’t stop the boats – 5%
Don’t know – 4%

5. Should the blockage on Gaza be lifted or not?
Don’t lift blockade – 73%
Lift the blockade – 16%
Don’t know – 11%

6. In light of recent events, has Turkey become an enemy nation?
Yes – 78%
No – 22%

561 people were questioned, respondents representing a cross-section of the adult Jewish population in Israel. Margin of error +/- 4%.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. Why is this even a question? Should we stop the next flotilla — or should we allow in the smuggling of goods and armaments?

  2. Question #2 seems problematic. The question presupposes that there should, in fact, be an investigation into the brave soldiers’ conduct in following just orders.

    This is not an event that is appropriate to an inquiry. Rather, Israel at the UN should be leading the charge for an inquiry into Turkey’s support of terrorist-aligned lawbreakers systematically perpetrating acts of war against a UN member state.

  3. I’m sorry the poll didn’t ask Israelis whether they prefer risking their lives boarding enemy ships to sinking them with torpedoes.

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