Hurricane Joaquin

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    How are you preparing for the hurricane?

    Fill up on gas so that you dont run dry like by sandy.


    It’s Not a hurricane! By the time it comes here it will only be a tropical storm. I’ve been in many tropical storms over Sukkos & I never took down the Sukkah!

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Sandy wasn’t a hurricane either when it hit here.


    I’m filling a huge tank with gas, and storing it on my front lawn. I built the tank myself out of kiddie pools.


    If Joaquin does in fact head to the coast, it won’t get to the NY metro area until Sunday night or Monday. Even if it’s only a tropical storm, heavy rain and sustained winds of 40 to 50 MPH can turn a succah and its schach into deay weapons.


    It is all just liberal propaganda to stop us from eating in the sukka on shmini atzeres.

    Well, it won’t work.


    I just got the following


    Developed by Rabbi Kenneth Brander with profound thanks to Rav Hershel Schachter shlita for his guidance.

    If a hurricane occurs on Shabbat or Yom Tov, stay home. In the case of Shabbat, we will lain two parshiyot next week.

    If there is no electricity on Shabbat or Yom Tov but storm is over. If safe…

    Assume no Eruv

    Use of Candles, Glowsticks & Flashlights

    If Flashlight/Candle goes out:

    Moving a Flashlight is permitted.

    Moving Candles is permitted in the following situations:

    Television or Radio

    Sukkot, Shemeni Atzeret & Simchat HaTorah


    I am labeling all the parts of my sukka with my address on it so if it blows away I can get it back. Including all the bamboo poles.


    Yair Hoffman says if your neighbors car blows on top of your house, you are allowed to deflate the tires.


    Papa, normally I overlook your juvenile attempts at humor, however I must object to your trivializing Joaquin. Too many people were traumatized and suffered enormous financial losses only three years ago to find any humor in n this


    Fair point. I’ll stop.

    Folks, please stay safe. Please do evacuate if relevant.


    I’m not disagreeing with your objection to papas trivialization. (I’m not agreeing with it either).

    But I do disagree with your description of popas “humor”.

    I usually don’t laugh at it either, but I find it very pleasant and enjoyable. Always so clever, in a very sophisticated, subtle, and unique way. Something like “The Far Side” in tone,

    but more freely irreverent, often spiced with disguised satire. I love his posts.

    (And I’ve noticed a LOT of other posters try to recreate it)


    Sometimes his posts are just plain stupid.

    But a very very funny kind of stupid.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    I also like popa’s juvenile attempts at humor. It makes me feel mature in comparison.


    Zd – I don’t know why you posted from R. Brander. Unless you live in Virginia or S.C.? There is no hurricane in Lakewood or NYC! This is from E/O stop being Henny Penny!


    are you preparing for the hurricane with teshuva? the choice is only ours. we can have another mabul of destruction C”V or we can do teshuva full heartedly. the world today is filled with corruption & dishonesty causing so much chillul Hashem R”L.

    The world can only stand on honesty & righteousness.

    the choice is truly in our hands of free will, there is no one to blame but ourselves if another mabul happens C”V

    may we all do teshuva ASAP as a nation

    (not yom kippur between you & Hashem, Hashem is waiting for the teshuva of bein adam l’chaveiro & achdus asa nation-on all levels from frei to frum to reform etc…)


    Feivel, while we can disagree about papa’s humor, we can agree that the potential damage from the storm is not a source of humor. Many members of my shul lost their homes to Sandy, while all the shuls in town were damaged and one was destroyed. Papa, thanks for stopping the jokes.

    Health, what is your problem? Until three hours ago, Joaquin was a Category 4 hurricane aimed right at Long Island ( Lakewood and NYC would have also been effected ). The track is now showing it will head out to sea, but after Sandy, until the track changed, how can you criticize storm preparations?

    In addition, a separate nor’easter is now predicted to hit New Jersey tomorrow afternoon through Shabbos with 5″ of rain, high winds and flooding. Are you saying people shouldn’t prepare?


    There definalty is a stream in some communities to ignore natural disaster warnings, I dont know exactly why. I know plenty who did not evacuate Far Rockaway before Hurriance Sandy and some even went to shul the day of the Hurricane. I know others who ignored warnings for Hurricane Irene in Lakewood and did not leave the radio on (There was a special Radio Station set up for Lakewood for this event) Thankfully Hurricane Irene didnt turn out to be such a big deal, but Hurriance Sandy was a big deal.

    It seems Hurricane Joquin will miss us B’H but that doesnt mean one shoulndt have been ready before when the warnings were that it might hit the NYC area


    Instead of Lesschumrahs, how about Less Henny Penny’s?!?

    Jewish Thinker

    Rabbi Hoffman is his name.


    With the approach of Hurricane Sandy in 2012, NJ Gov Christie was so frustrated by those who really refused to evacuate that he would not put the lives of first responders at risk. An one who called for rescue after Sandy hit were told nobody was coming.


    lesschumras – (Aka Henny-Penny) – “With the approach of Hurricane Sandy in 2012”

    Look at the title of this Topic. It’s Not Sandy, but Hurricane Joaquin (Wah-keen)!


    Health, has your divorce so embittered you that you feel a need to belittle and ridicule those who advocated preparation for



    After last winter’s flopped blizzard, I’m finding it hard to take such warnings seriously.

    And I’m very glad I left my sukka up for Shmini Atzeres!


    Goldilocks – “And I’m very glad I left my sukka up for Shmini Atzeres!”

    All the Henny Penny’s & MO’s took down their Sukkahs’ on Chol Ha’moed!


    I don’t usually get all preachy but I want to point out that the whole sukkos from like day two on, there were major storms predicted, especially the hurrican that was scheduled and all in all it was basically a dry sukkos, which leaves people like Health! calling people Henny Pennys, or people saying meteorologists don’t know what they’re doing, etc. However, I disagree. It’s quite possible that ?? ?? ??? ???? there should have been rain, even a hurricane, but due to Hasheim’s satisfaction in our doing His will, He cancelled it. If rain is a ???? ???? ???, and one who would attribute rain to natural occurrences would be “?????? ??? ????” then the same is true when the opposite occurs. We have to realize that this is a ??? from Hasheim and not a convenient natural coincidence.


    Scared driver, I don’t know where you live but it poured from Friday of Chol Hamoed thru Shabbos because of a second storm that hit New Jersey and New York ( the oa po er reported that a succah in Lakewood collapsed because of the storm ). And no, our MO Rav, once Joaquin was reported to be turning out to sea, did not say to dismantle succas and no one did. Don’t be motzay shem ra


    Again: and all in all it was basically a dry sukkos Basically, as in “not totally”

    And no, our MO Rav, once Joaquin was reported to be turning out to sea, did not say to dismantle succas and no one did. Don’t be motzayxsgem ra

    I’m not sure what language that’s supposed to be, but if it’s a failed attempt at English, you seem to be accusing me of saying something I never remotely alluded to.


    I think she meant health


    oh, good point. I thought it was a continuation.

    EDIT: and you revised the spelling, didn’t you?

    without having seen your post


    lesschumras- “If Joaquin does in fact head to the coast, it won’t get to the NY metro area until Sunday night or Monday. Even if it’s only a tropical storm, heavy rain and sustained winds of 40 to 50 MPH can turn a succah and its schach into deay weapons”

    “And no, our MO Rav, once Joaquin was reported to be turning out to sea, did not say to dismantle succas and no one did”

    At what point did you change your mind or did you flip a coin?


    lesschumras- “reported that a succah in Lakewood collapsed because of the storm”

    I live in Lakewood & I took my Succah down yesterday. That guy’s Succah was Posul!


    It seems to me that the nasty comments and bad blood here is uncalled for, especially considering that you’re all just arguing about hypotheticals.

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