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Umbilical Cord Blood Bank to Open July 1st

About three years late, the nation’s first umbilical cord blood bank is set to go operational on July 1st, in a few short weeks. Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman announced the Knesset Health Committee approved the funding.

The law permitting the establishment of the bank permits harvesting 1,000 umbilical blood samples annually, which will be preserved for future use for bone marrow and other transplants.

A mother who gives birth will have the right to consent to have the umbilical cord blood stored by the bank towards the national database. Samples will undergo a series of tests and inspections, and if approved, they will be frozen and made available for those individuals seeking life-saving marrow or related procedures. The state will cover all costs.

A mother wishing to have the blood saved privately, in the event there is need in future years for her family chas v’sholom; will be permitted to do so at a cost ranging between NIS 6,000-8,000.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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