Idolatry vs. Vacillation

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  • #615112
    Patur Aval Assur

    In the haftora we read:

    ?????????? ?????????? ??? ???? ????? ????????? ??? ????? ?????? ????????? ??? ??????? ???????????? ??? ?’ ?????????? ????? ???????? ????? ???????? ????? ???????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ??????

    This seems to imply that ????????? ??? ??????? ???????????? is worse than worshiping Ba’al.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    ????? ????? agrees with your ????.

    Patur Aval Assur

    It wasn’t a kashya; it was a statement and it was made despite the Targum Yonasan. I remember (maybe last year) seeing someone make this point (I feel like it was R’ Yechezkel Sarna) but now all I could find is R’ L’ Jonathan Sacks (adapted from the LubavitcherRebbe).

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Sure it was a kashya; you just skipped to a Rabbinical Seminary of America/Slabodka style teirutz.

    Patur Aval Assur

    So the Targum Yonasan was apparently not a RSA/Slabodka guy. And the Lubavitcher Rebbe (assuming R’ L’ Sacks correctly represented him) was.

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