NEW FEATURE: Share YWN Stories On Whatsapp!

Home Forums YWN Main Site & Coffee Room Issues NEW FEATURE: Share YWN Stories On Whatsapp!

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  • #613552
    Y.W. Editor

    YWN stories can now be shared on Whatsapp. This option is only available from your mobile device. It is still in beta version, but feel free to try it out.

    — Admin


    Dear YW Key Master, it would be very helpful to many of your users to switch the CR to a Mobile Friendly platform. We would really appreciate it. Thank You!


    Ever since that option became available, I am not able to view any news articles through my app. I keep on getting a “network connection not available” notice, which I have been getting whenever I have tried clicking on the coffee room button, even before the regular articles were able to be sent on WhatsApp. I have an iPhone.


    Dear YW Key Master, it would be very helpful to many of your users to switch the CR to a Mobile Friendly platform. We would really appreciate it. Thank You!

    Switching platforms is not trivial. Better to wait until bbPress

    has better mobile support and then bug the admins to upgrade.

    Letakein Girl

    The YWN app is pretty much useless right now.


    Until now the cr never worked on my app, and now I can’t even view articles. Since my phone has no browser, I can’t even go straight to the website. All I can do is go onto the app, click “more”; “Flatbush Scoop” and then I get to the actual website. Kind of difficult.. Still thankful for the wonderful website though!

    Letakein Girl

    Amaaretz, thanks for the tip! I tried it and it works, but every few seconds a connection error message box pops up. So annoying!

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