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    It was implied that the thread would be reopened.


    Remind me on Rosh Chodesh Adar Sheini.


    You just reminded me (and this is not a joke, btw) that I had an Adar question (my rov is not able to be easily reached in the daytime). It’s not a SHAILAH shailah, so relax,but I heard two conflicting things this week about yartzeits in an uber yohr, and I wondered what the good people of the CR know.

    My friend just told me that her rov paskened that she should actually observe her mother’s yartzeit (she was nifteres three days after Purim) on that same date in Adar Rishon AND also with a licht on Adar Sheini. Her rov is chassidish, if that makes a difference. Would it be a chassidish minhag? The Lubavitch told her the same thing as her rov.

    I always thought that when a yartzeit occurs in Adar, it is always observed in Adar Sheini of a leap year. The Zayin Adar Seudah is in Adar Sheini. Purim is in Adar Sheini.

    Some thoughts about this?


    oomis: you are quite right. The minhag-certainly amongst the chassidic crowd- is to observe an adar yahrzeit on both adars-when there is a leap year. Obviously, if there is only one adar, then the yahrzeit -regardless whether the year of death was a leap year or not-is observed on that adar. I am not sure what happens when the death occurred on a leap year, when does the yahrzeit falls on a leap year? Do you only observe the adar when the death occured-or do you also then observe both adars?

    I will research that! BTW- a similar situation exists with bar mitzvahs in adar- although,of course, there is only one bar mitzvah celebration. It can be that a boy born after another boy (say on adar sheni) has a bar mitzvah before another who was born earlier in a leap year!

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    my mother died on the twentieth of Adar Aleph. Her yahrtziet was just yesterday.

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