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    I’m just saying…I’ve been reading most threads here lately and have come to the conclusion that we MUST modify one thing in all of them. There is just too much negativity going around (its even hidden in the humer).

    What would happen if, instead of expanding on and discussing all the problems in our society and circles we start elaborating on the good in everybody?

    Instead of digging up complaints on our people, why not just notice all the good that’s right there! I promise it will be just as entertaining, and once everybody is busy with the positive, hopefully the complaints won’t be necessary anymore. Does anyone agree?

    I’ll start: I recently had a little talk with someone not Jewish who claimed that not only Jewish people have large families. She herself comes from a family of twelve and they all turned out fine. “One thing”, she says, “the support for one another that’s found by you people cannot be found anywhere else. That’s how you could do it!’

    Thank you everyone in CR for your support!

    a mamin

    Just sayin: Great idea!!! Look at all the chesed going on? In Boro Park last week you couldn’t get into the Bonei Olam auction!! Mi keamcho Yisroel! This week my friends are making a RCCS preauction event! Yidden are always looking what they could do to help others!!!


    the irony is killing me complaining about the amount of complaints that being said you have a point i may be incorrect but i believe moshe was punished for speaking loshon hora on am yisrael by the sneh. today i was in target and someone saw i was dressed with yeshiva clothing i didnt even ask him and he offered me a ride back to yeshiva turns out i didn’t need one but i was impressed



    Enough said.


    Welcome to the cr! I love your idea, you sound like a very special person!


    Thank you.

    I don’t think I’m special, I’m just naturally a very negative person and I choose not to have s miserable life. That’s why its harder for me to hear other people’s negativity.


    Someone I know bought an expensive sefer to make someone feel good.


    @justsayin – Awesome idea! Though it is upsetting that this thread isn’t taking off the way I think it should. And there I go already with my negativity. Oh well. But I’m confused, if you are naturally a negative person, how long did it take you to change? I don’t see any trace of negativity in any of your posts. So don’t say you’re not special.

    Back to the topic – I was just on a shabbaton for special needs children which was in itself amazing… But one thing that really touched me (and I am not an emotional person at all!) was the concert where the parents of these special children danced together with their kids. The amount of love and passion felt in the room was unreal! These parents have every reason to just sit home and mope about the sad reality of their children. Instead, they embrace every step of their child’s journey with such love that I couldn’t help being overwhelmed from all the display of emotions going on in that room (much to my embarrassment…)


    The reason this kind of topic doesn’t kick off is because it’s boring. A white paper becomes interesting when it starts getting black marks. It’s a good idea, though.


    well maybe instead of making a topic of positivity and seeing how far it goes we could just be positive on every thing we write.. if i write about something interesting while being positive it is still interesting not to mention that the chafetz chaim saysthe begging of loshon hora is when people aren’t dan lechaf zchus (i might be wrong someone please correct me if i am it should be at the begging of shmiras ha lashon)


    I think this is an excellent idea, regardless of the CR. I haven’t been here enough to get the flavour of the posts here. Last night I really angered someone in a conversation, needlessly. I think this was lashon hara, and I had to apologize. I’m going to do everything I can to watch my tongue. The manner in which we communicate with one another is very important.

    Nem I think that’s a good point.


    Nem621 – Sounds good. Wanna lead the movement? Set the example and maybe others will follow…


    Also Lashon Toiva.

    But a Lev tov… oleh al gabayhem.


    i can try but i don’t have internet when i’m in yeshiva so im no lead but i’ll follow any one out there maybe justsayin?


    Justsayin – the ball is in your court!


    I thought I was following the news here but looks like its following me (kidding). Did you see the one about the Jewish person that let an African american sleep on his shoulder the whole way on the subway? I’m so proud he’s from my people! It tickled me pink! It was just what I had in mind. Most people only report the bad things they see when.. hey, look what made headlines!

    Streekgeek, I am hereby passing the ball.

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