Jewish Harry Potter book?

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    Read an article about a secular writer writing a parody to HP but with a jewish kid going to a secular summer camp where he learns the ancient talmud and kabbala (his magic) and fight monsters……there will be a villian also…..

    Qhote “the words bludgers and quddich, and muggles will be replaced by the worlde talking about kippa, talit, and kabbala”

    What do you think?!!?!?!


    I always wanted to write about a super hero named Talisman, whose prayer shawl is impervious to attack. He also has other powers that he uses to protect mankind, such as the ability to freeze anyone in their tracks by beginning to say Kedusha, and to detect hidden criminals by saying kaddish, which they are forced to answer.


    Such parodies are primarily mocking Torah and Yiddishkeit, i.e. mocking us. The authors generally think Judaism is about Bagels, living in the suburbs, being a “JAP”, and trying to escape from the backwards types who live in Brooklyn.

    If you wanted to write a Jewish “Harry Potter” story it probably could be done, but it would have a very different taste since it would conform to our literary conventions, not their’s.


    .but this is secular and no dought will invovle romance…..possibly with a non-jew *GASP*

    The world will think all jews are like this…..and jews will think they can be like this…its horrible!!!

    But a very cool idea if he was frum


    Debating whether to post this on the “If Jewish writers are so good, why don’t they publish secular?” thread, but there’s way too much controversy there. I actually dreamed of publishing a sci-fi book for Jewish teens as it is something I believe is missing from the Jewish world. However, anyone who heard this idea said to scratch it as it would never pick up. All everyone wants to read about is shidduchim, marriage issues and kids in broken homes. So I decided not to waste my creativity in that venue and channeled it elsewhere.

    But back to the OP, I for one would definitely would be very interested in this Jewish Harry Potter book, but after googling it, I don’t think it will be accepted in our communities at all. From what I read it doesn’t seem to be mocking at all. It’s just a totally wrong perspective of Judaism.


    Yes…i know, also have you ever thought of HP as a mashul for jews??????

    But do you think this book will be popular in no-jewish circles and be as known as the original HP?


    @VM – That sounds so awesome. And it could all about the power of tefillah! (The kaddish part cracks me up, btw.)


    Same here…maybe one day a book will come out with that exact idea and qhen the author says he just made it up…we’ll know the truth


    “a super hero named Talisman, whose prayer shawl is impervious to attack”


    live right

    I dunno. I cant see this going over so well for some reason.


    i think the book would portray kabbalah in the wrong light; as a “magic” and not as a depper understanding of the world


    shopping 613-no and no.

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