Make this shabbos meanigful

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    Just wanted to let people know of a beautiful thing going on in South Africa this Shabbos. The chief Rabbi launched a program called The Shabbos Project and pretty much the entire Jewish population (frum and not frum) is keeping Shabbos this week. They set up a site where people sign up to be mentors and hosts, people sign up to be hosted, they distributed booklets on the hows and whys of Shabbos. Its really amazing google it and watch the videos about it.

    I know most people here aren’t from SA and aren’t participating but this Shabbos maybe we can all think of a way we will help another keep shabbos, maybe inviting the kid who probably sits and texts all day long, maybe just enhancing our own shabbos by learning something before running to our nap or being careful with one tiny little toldah we usually forget about….

    As the famous song goes, “Just one Shabbos and we’ll all be free, just one Shabbos come and join with me, we’ll sing and dance something something with out spirits so high………”


    I look forward to the day when all Jews keep shabbat. Kudos to the SA community for pulling that off.


    This year, the Shabbos Project is officially going WORLDWIDE, and it’s time for YOU to get involved! The goal is that this coming Shabbos Parshas Noach, as many Jews as possible will keep Shabbos as completely as possible. There is so much everyone can do to contribute, from “being careful with one tiny little toldah you usually forget about”, to hosting or coaching an unaffiliated Jew who has never kept Shabbos before, to organizing an event in your community.

    (just search google)

    May the neiros shel Shabbos soon merit that we see neiros shel Tziyon.

    Edited to remove links.



    This Shabbos

    Parshas Noach 5775

    October 24-25, 2014

    Just One Shabbos and we’ll all be free!!

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