Lulav and Esrog Case

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    Did anyone see this amazing thing? It’s a case that holds your lulav, esrog and machzor and it’s insulated, so when you go to shul and it sits out for a few hours it stays fresh? What does everyone think about it? What does everyone think of the price? (I bought one today) It’s $25. Do you think it works? If you want to know what it is I forgot the website but type in google the company name beckovatoins, it will probably come up.


    Nah, who needs this new technology? It’s a waste of $, | just bring my refrigerator and a gas generator to shuk every year. (Il| I just noticed that there are 3 different ways to type | on the keyboard!)


    I think you overpaid. My esrog came with a free cardboard case. And I have a lulav case that probably cost $2.


    Anyone know where to buy PINE Schach?


    I meant shul

    (I hate autocorrect)

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