The five-phase cycle of a girl in shidduchim

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    live right

    “girl in shidduchim cycle”:

    phase 1: I love being single!!!! im so independent, living it up!(symptoms= crazy social life, lots of shopping and road trips)

    Phase 2: I am sick and tired of being single and i am never gonna get married (symptoms= lots of crying, sulking, venting)

    phase 3: theres someone out there for me and until i find him i will just grow and get better (symptoms= learning seforim, davening shacharis, mincha and saying tehillim yomi and perek shira, smiling, running to do mitzvos)

    phase 4: I want to be bad bad bad and i dont care if i ever get married (symptoms= lots of unmentionables)

    Phase 5: I want to run away as far as i can get and have fun and act crazy (symptoms= hysterical bouts of laughter, impulsive drives to random places, impulsively jumping on plane to somewhere/driving somewhere/going for Shabbos at last minute, making sure not to be home for more than 10 minute intervals)

    back to…Phase 1: I love being single!!!!!

    warning: each phase can last for as short as one or two days and for as long as a month. normally, a phase will be about a week long.

    Mr Sfardi

    Live Right: You sound like your an only boy in the middle of a abunch of sisters.

    live right

    Mr Sfardi: I can see why you would think that. but no. that is not the case

    Burnt Steak

    I feel kinda bad because I laughed after reading this.

    But from what I’ve seen with relationships this also applies to guys although a much lesser state.


    not any of the singles i know well, but i hear! Sounds like a draining cycle you’re in


    I think there is a stage 0 (a bit like the START square on a board game): I am ready, but not desperate and will enjoy being single whilst I still am, but if something comes up I won’t say no.

    I never got past that stage. I enjoyed my time being single but never really got fed up of it to the point of despair, and when I got engaged I was not upset to leave it behind. I don’t remember going through any of the other stages…

    live right


    live right

    notasheep: I wud call that a pre- shidduchim stage. You are not actively looking or waiting. I had that for about 5 months. it gets old after you realize that nobodys coming after you.


    you left out the stage of waiting for ppl to actually remember you are available and call with suggestions! and that incorporates all 5 stages. been there, doin it!

    live right

    “you left out the stage of waiting for ppl to actually remember you are available and call with suggestions!”

    Ikno: that would be called ” being in shidduchim”. so these are the 5 phases a girl goes thru while she does exactly that: wait. and wait. and wait. and wait. and get a suggestion. and wait. and wait. and wait. and get a suggestion redt. and wait. and wait. and wait. and wait. and get a no. and wait again.



    live- right- I can definitely identify with almost all of those stages


    ouch this kind of hurts! live right – i hear the waiting game a lot!! So stressful!


    This sounds like it can describe men, too. I found that after breaking off things with someone, I typically take extra solace in religious matters, and increase learning, etc.


    Wow, this is so true! my sister in a post;)



    lol live right 😉 You’ve really broken it down in to a science. So where are we holding today…


    Most girls don’t get all five.

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