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Hanegbi Calls for National Unity Government

MK (Kadima) Tzachi Hanegbi, who chairs the Knesset Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee, has called for the establishment of a national unity government. Hanegbi called on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to place party interests aside for the good of the nation, and expand the coalition to include Kadima, towards a broader representation of voters during these difficult times, when Israel is under attack in the international diplomatic community.

Hanegbi failed to mention that in recent months the prime minister has extended an outstretched hand to Kadima, seeking to include the opposition leader into the coalition, but the effort was rejected as party leader Tzipi Livni remained committed to remaining in opposition, unwilling to join what she calls a coalition led by chareidi politicians.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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