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    This is a Halachic question, so please do not respond about anything else.

    Is popcorn in a movie theater kosher?

    Let’s assume:

    1) the oil is kosher.

    2) Kernels are always kosher.

    3) Salt & Butter is kosher.

    4) let’s assume this is a theator that will host a movie on a bunch of gedolim and it is all rented to Jews. (this is a reponse to those who will say the theator is shmootze:) )

    What other issues would there be to not eat the popcorn?


    byop…bring your own popcorn…much easier than trying to find out the answer.


    The standard Sysco cardboard buckets are lined with a bacon grease extract in order to add a slight taste of freshness to popcorn that was otherwise sitting on the shelf for a few days.


    Depends on the status of the machine (were treif oils used in it?). I wouldn’t think bishul akum would apply to popcorn.


    There’s no guarantee that there was no Tarfus in the machine ever.


    If you can someone to certify (as in “give a hecksher”) that the oil, kernels, and additives are kosher, and the utensils have been kashered since the last time they were used for treff — then of course it is kosher. You’ll see a nice big hecksher sign.

    Otherwise, assume they’ve used oil and additives dervied for non-kosher sources, e.g. pig fat.


    The oils are almost never actually Treif. I’ve actually looked at them at places like that (amusement parks and such) and I’ve seen OUs on the oils all the time. But you never have a guarantee that the machine is Kosher and therefore can’t use it. The workers don’t have the Ne’emanus necessary to render the popcorn Kosher.


    Butter? It’s probably Odell’s Super-Kist Two. You’d have to know the history of the equiptment since it was last known to be Kosher.


    Dash, thanks for the expertise, but to pick a nit, it’s O’Dell’s Supur-Kist Two, available on Amazon for 18.99 a gallon. In the photo on the Amazon website, there’s an OV (Vaad of St. Louis, I believe) on the lower left corner.


    Dash, thanks for the expertise, but to pick a nit, it’s O’Dell’s Supur-Kist Two, available on Amazon for 18.99 a gallon. In the photo on the Amazon website, there’s an OV (Vaad of St. Louis, I believe) on the lower left corner.


    At first I wrote O’Dells but then edited it, the correct spelling is Odell’s.

    I never said it wasn’t Kosher.


    With popcorn, all you can make is popcorn.

    Also, why wouldn’t the same kulah that one makes about milk be the same here. Workers woul dbe afraid to cook anything in the popcorn maker because they can get fined /fired?


    The primary concern is what cheap coconut oil they used last week. A secondary concern would be how the machines are cleaned.


    Since many people might assume there is a problem with it, it’s probably best not to – for mar’as ayin sake.Also, if people see you, and they look up to you in any way, they might assume it’s kosher in other locations where it isn’t kosher —and eat it because they “saw” you eating it.You don’t want to be the cause of that,c”v.


    Sam2 -“The oils are almost never actually Treif. I’ve actually looked at them at places like that (amusement parks and such) and I’ve seen OUs on the oils all the time. But you never have a guarantee that the machine is Kosher and therefore can’t use it. The workers don’t have the Ne’emanus necessary to render the popcorn Kosher.”

    Ya’know I used to think like you, not just with popcorn, but also where they just make French Fries, until I passed one of these stands and saw an empty box of lard in the garbage. They switch the stuff what they fry/cook in all the time. It just depends what stuff is cheaper when they are ready to buy their next container.

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