Lakewood's sociological style

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    On the heels of my post on Monsey I would like to hear people’s opinion of Lakewood. A few people mentioned it as an option (I live out of town and need to move “in town”). I said it is way too yeshivish and you can not get your kids into schools. Some guy there told me that it is no longer the case. He said there are 3 types there. Normal yeshivish, not yeshivish and greacy.

    I have been to Lakewood and while I do not disagree that there do exist different types there, it seems to me that most are yeshivish or greacy. I have heard Lakewood people talking about the diversity there, but as an outsider I would never call it diverse! Even if it was diverse I would almost certainly not move there but there does exist a remote possibility due to affordability.

    I hope this topic does not set people off. Understand that this is a valid topic just like any other.


    Talking about diversity, Lakewood today B”H has a large Chasidishe oilem, Satmar, Stolin and everything in between. Including large and small Chasidesha Butei Medrashim, Shuls and Yeshivos.


    dude, I get that it’s Motzai Shabbos and all but this is super weak. From where would a guy like you even pick up a word like diversity? Last week youse only wanted to live among youse own kind, now you’re interested in kumbaya?

    Move along folks, nothing to see here.


    Greeci is spelled with two e’s, and I believe the correct term is Greek.


    I want to live among my own that is one reason why Lakewood is almost certainly out. That does not mean it is not a consideration.

    Squeak: how often to you converse with moon men?


    What does greacy/Greeci mean?


    Greecy means ultra yeshivish. narrow view on life


    I was joking about the spelling. Greasy means having to do with grease, with grease meaning lubrication.

    It this context it’s a slur referring to Yeshivsh people who may not shower that much.


    I hope this topic does not set people off. Understand that this is a valid topic just like any other.

    Are you trying to point out that you are a troll? Good job.

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