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Yossi Reider Considers Self-Funded Race Against Greenfield

Yussi Rieder, a wealthy Boro Park community activist is considering mounting a run against newly elected Council Member David Greenfield, according to several sources that have spoken with him.

Rieder, a real estate developer, hails from one of the most prominent neighborhood families and serves on the board of local Jewish Community Council.

And Rieder has donated heavily to politicians over both parties, sending over $10,000 to Sens. Joe Lieberman, George Allen, Frank Lautenberg, as well as Rep. Ed Towns over the past two election cycles.

“He is very wealthy,” said one Boro Park source. “If he wanted to self-fund, he could self-fund 10 races in a row.”

Reider is considering whether or not to run in a Democratic primary in September or to seek multiple lines in November, according to a source who discussed the matter with him.

Reider did not return several phone calls for comment.

Greenfield won a contentious special election for the City Council in March after incumbent Simcha Felder resigned to become a deputy comptroller under John Liu. Rieder backed Greenfield’s opponent Joe Lazar, who was also backed by local political Assembly Member Dov Hikind, the local kingmaker. Greenfield has to run for election to the remainder of the term in the fall.

Greenfield won with the support of Mayor Michael Bloomberg, but has surprised several local community groups by publicly clashing with the administration over its slashing of funding for day care centers and after-school programs.

Greenfield also angered Rieder by not reappointing him to the Community Board after he was elected.

“Rieder is well-respected, he is exactly the type of person you would want on the community board,” said one local activist. “If he runs against David, it’s going to be World War III.”

(Source: City Hall News)

17 Responses

  1. why does it have to be WWIII? why cant people simply agree to disagree and let the people speak – the votes will show…

  2. Why would anyone vote for a 60+ year old, over a young vibrant guy, eager to do good for the community and not continue doing “business as usual”. Until now we’ve had way too many politicians, who were stuffing their pockets while profiting from back room deals. We sorely need a change in the name of Greenfield.

  3. Wow, you mean Rieder will do a financial disclosure just to get back at Greenfield?
    And again, what qualifies Reider for office? Reider’s “friends”? Reider’s wealth or his big political payoffs to politicians?
    We are finally trying to get away from that mess; here we go again.

  4. While I have much respect for Yussi Reider for doing much for the community all these years I am deeply disappointed by him. As everyone sees David is here to work. Even former foes praised David for doing the right thing and not keeping grudges on their previous standings. As for the Community Board, one of David’s campaign promises was to do exactly this. It is time that Boro Park gets a couple of new faces there. As David pointed out on the campaign trail; all over the city certain things were accomplished with the community board while they sat still. When other communities built dozens to hundreds of affordable housing units, they failed to do so. While other thriving Jewish communities have COJO and the likes, Boro Park’s council was a mere duplicate of city agency offices. It was time for change and David is delivering it to us.

    I understand Yussi’s anger for feeling rejected, but Yussi, ask yourself this question: Should an Asken and famous Baal Tzedaka of your caliber split the community for personal reasons? Does it make sense for you to taint your name and personality to go against what appears to be an effective advocate and represetative? Do you think it pays to spend all of the money you plan on to promote Sinas Chinam and do pure Nekama?

    I also understand that organizations that you got to be on their board don’t have a voice as in the past. I know that they’d like it the way it was, getting earmarks etc. unchecked, but the average person like me needs the money more and now more than ever. I pay rent and tuition and struggle to support my family. Yussi, you should be above this, you should know better. I hope you will give more thought to this decision and decide on what’s better for the community and yourself.

  5. Is this what we are all about? We voted David Greenfield in and haven’t even given him a chance.
    All that would happen is they’d be canceling each other out and allowing a third party to win.

  6. Let’s think… Why would he want to expose himself, his sons and sons in-law to the close inspection that will undoubtedly come with such a run?

    I don’t believe for a second that he would. After not being reappointed, he probably just wants to give David a little “agita”.

    Please don’t play with the public. We’re not your puppets. Stop!

  7. How dare you attack A Tzadik like Mr. Rieder. How dare you call him corrupt. I challenge everyone and specifically the anonymous negative posters to raise one issue in where Mr. Rieder was corrupt. Mr. Rieder does not do any business in New York or in Lakewood. He was never a recipient of any land or special favors. He has never benefited from the Klal not even a penny. He does not represent special interest he represents you. How dare you accuse him when over the span of 40 years he has donated to almost anyone running that might be able to help fellow yidden. The TzadiK has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars of his own so that he can help you. Yes you the one writing negative comments. He has helped thousands of yidden , and most of the time you never heard anything about it. His days are spent not on his issues but on your issues and problems. I wonder if perhaps some of you just resent his success and zechusim? Find me any gadol any that does not back him and hold him in the greatest admiration. He does so much for you and this is the Hakoras Hatov. I hope you all reconsider your remarks and with draw them. He is the personification of Osek Betzorchei tzibbur bemunah.

  8. not jealous:

    You might be 1000% right about Rieder, but the community spoke at election day, and will speak again.

    It’s not Rieder, it’s the company he keeps on the issue that worry me.

  9. I know Yussi well. i NEVER had a converstaion with him that he did not mention the coming of Moshiach. that said he will NEVER run for a position in USA. he is waiting for Moshiach TODAY!
    Yussi you inspire me every time i talk to you…

  10. Mr. Rieder I dont know if u shud run or not.
    But i know that you saved me and my family. so all of the peples who said bad stuff shud be ashamed. He is a specal guy.

  11. Having 2 very “tame” comments not posted here I can only assume that YWN has an agenda and bias that is pro Greenfield and/or pro-BP. And here I thought that personal politics/feelings were above this wonderful site.

  12. chap 613 and Yashris, we all agree Rieder, on his own, is a wonderful person. There are many tremendous Tzadikim and Baalei Chesed in our community. It’s the ones Rieder often shares the podium with and works with politically, who perhaps arent as wonderful as him.

  13. Rieder will NEVER run in any case. He would never allow his financial dealings of the last 10 years to be disected with a fine tooth comb and analyzed. Almost no wealthy businessman, no matter how honest, wants that. It’s more potential for harm than gain. That’s why he’s a behind the scenes guy.

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