Please say Tehillim for a very critical young man in Eretz Yisrael, who is having a major operation now. We have organized Tehillim from the beginning until AYIN VAV inclusive.
PLEASE, PLEASE help me start a rota from Perek AYIN ZAYIN until the end for a refuah shelama for DANIEL BEN DOBRA ZIREL and kol cholei Yisrael b’karov!!! Omen!!
TBB, just wanted to let you know that Daniel ben Dibra Tzirel has already been added to my community’s Tehillim list, and will be davened for until you tell us he is recovered. HaMakom Yeracheim alav b’soch sh’or cholei Yisrael.
Boruch Dayan Haemess!!! Deeply regret that Daniel ben Dobra Zirel Z’TL was nifter this am and buried in Yerushalayim. May he be a meilitz yashar for his dear family and may his neshama have lichtig in Gan Eden!!
Thanking you all for your wonderful tefillos and efforts.
May we be zocher to share many simachos with simcha b’karov!