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Tuesday Evening News Briefs from EY

A support rally took place earlier near Ashdod for the IDF Gaza flotilla operation on Monday.

**Fire department officials report on Tuesday evening that most of the northern area forest fires have been contained and brought under control.

**Opposition leader Livni rejects any attempt to criticize the IDF for its performance in the Gaza flotilla mission.

**Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu compares the naval commando operation against the Gaza flotilla to 9/11.

**Dozens of Israelis took to the streets, rallying in support of the IDF following the Gaza flotilla operation.

**Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky instructs 500 agency employees around the world to join the ongoing Israeli PR effort following the Gaza flotilla operation.

**PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) announced the Gaza flotilla operation will not distance him from continuing proximity talks mediated by the USA.

**French officials call on Israel to immediately release its citizens incarcerated as a result of the Gaza flotilla.

**Channel 2 NEWS: One million € was found on the Gaza flotilla, money intended to assist Hamas terrorism

 (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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