Everyone in Lakewood is Hasidic

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    I just read the scathing indictment of the Lakewood school board on the website of a regional paper and it refers numerous times to the Hasidic population how can a newspaper throw around words of which they do not understand the definition?


    In the Goyishe media, Hasidic is code word for Ultra-Orthodox. They don’t know how to distinguish. The point of their article is the same whether the people its talking about wear gartels and visit rebbes, or wear bent down hats and say tachanun between Isru Chag Shavuos and 12 Sivan.


    It is a glaring mistake shouldn’t someone make a point of educating them?

    Please note i love all yidden and do not mean anything bad by this i am not a chasid i dont want to be called a sefardi either not because there is c”v a bad connotation just because it is not accurate.


    lo yaazov es chasidav, le’olam nishmaru


    We should be proud of being called chassidim, and should strive to be one.

    No, I am not Chassidic, but I try to be a chassid(ah?).


    The point of their article is the same whether the people its talking about wear gartels and visit rebbes, or wear bent down hats and say tachanun between Isru Chag Shavuos and 12 Sivan.

    & these secular newspapers also label Jews who recite Hallel on Yom ha’Atzmaut verses Jews who recite Tachnun on Yom ha’Atzmaut, into 1 category.

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