Dear YWN editor:
The last word of the Tefilla accidently got left out.
Would you please kindly replace the entire Tefilla posting with the following:
May it be Your will, our beloved Father in Heaven
To bring the tragic plight of Agunos before Your Throne of Glory most favorably
And remember them for salvation and mercy from the eternal high heavens
Provide for their children a wholesome home where they can celebrate Shabbos
With a loving mother and step-father together at the same table
But, alas, it is impossible; these women must sit at a Shabbos or Yom Tov table with an endless hole in their hearts
Father Dear, for how long must they endure such pain?
Why do You conceal Yourself, do You forget their affliction and oppression?
For prostrated to the dust is their soul, stuck to the earth is their body
The soul is Yours and the body is Your handiwork; take pity on Your labor
Please arise to assist them. And redeem them for the sake of Your kindness