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    I was driving on the Mass Pike tonight (yeah, what was your chol hamoed trip?), and I sideswiped the barrier at about 65-70 MPH. My car rode up against the barrier, bounced off, and crashed down. I was literally in the air.

    My car doesn’t even have a dent, and I’m alive.

    (I spoke to a rav, and asked if I should bench gomel. He asked me if this was something that people normally die. I told him that when it happens exactly this way, you always crash back down and don’t even have a dent. So he told me not to bench gomel.

    I told him that if someone shoots at you and misses, it is also normal to live. He said that guy would also not bench gomel.

    I told him that if someone is shot in the head and lives, then it is normal that if you are shot exactly that way, you live. He said you bench gomel anyway.)


    Was your wife in the car with you?


    You said this happened tonight.

    Speed, crash, fly, ask a sheilah, argue with the rav and still had time to post this?!


    2cents- it’s very late @ night now. He could have had his accident earlier during dusk.

    Popa- be thankful!! not all such incidents end so happily


    S/O once asked R’ Bick zt”l if he should bentch gomel since a serious accident happened right behind him on a highway and had he been a minute back he could’ve been killed. R’ Bick answered that his pants were hanging on the cloths line and they fell 2 flights to the ground, and just a few minutes before he was wearing them.

    All jokes aside, I’m glad you’re alright-please drive carefully- I enjoy your illogic.

    BTW, I hope you’re mochel me for agreeing with you that you are a jerk. I was just being agreeable.


    PBA: Your Rab is quoting Meforash from the Chayei Adam (aside from the fact that he didn’t have cars and stuff). His example is if a brick falls towards you and misses you don’t Bentch Gomel but if it hits you and you survive then you do, if I recall correctly.

    yossi z.

    PBA: mass pike? were you in boston?

    😀 ??? ????? 😀


    Did you ask the rav if you should bring a korbon todah?


    No, I was not in Boston. I may have driven through, but I definitely did not stop in Boston.

    And looking at it in the light, I now saw that the hubcap was ruined. So I tried to pry it off to see if the hub was ruined. But I don’t have a tire iron. Isn’t that dumb? I have a spare tire, and a jack, but not the iron.

    So I tried to pry it off with the thing that you turn the jack with, but I can’t get the middle part off. Oh well.


    Popa has one busy life. First rushing and out of a minyan, has some spins and rolls on the TPK next he is nibbling some babbka in starbucks.. wondering where he has the time to post and constantly reply as well.


    R’ Bick tayna-ed that he should have to bentch Gomel for when his wife hung his pants out to dry, because had he been in them, he would probably fall and die…


    Popa has one busy life. First rushing and out of a minyan, has some spins and rolls on the TPK next he is nibbling some babbka in starbucks.. wondering where he has the time to post and constantly reply as well.

    This is all part of the “Popa Mystique”. That is actually the name of a book I’m writing. (Bet you didn’t know I was a Popa’s Liberationist)


    he posts while driving down the highway at 65-70. How else do u think he ended up hitting the guardrail?

    but does anyone have any real answers to popa’s valid question, which as usual was cloaked in his own unique (and funny) humor?


    I should make a seudas hodaa, since this was a year ago. Maybe I’ll get drunk.

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