Shlack Ideas to Cover Sukkah

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    Hiya… just bought a new succah and I have no rain cover.. tried the tarps in the past but useless.. always gets water on us and dangerous to go up and put it up.. any ideas, innovations??


    yes. forget the whole idea.

    When you finish eating, you fold the table and chairs and lean them against the wall so they don’t pool water. If it’s raining you eat inside. If it just rained, you wipe off the table and chairs and eat.

    Shlocks are stupider than some of my motzei shabbos posts.


    “Shlocks are stupider than some of my motzei shabbos posts.”

    Lets not exaggerate;)


    Lets not exaggerate;)

    I said “some”.


    Shlocks very rarely serve its purpose. That why it’s called a “Shlock”. Fold the chairs against the wall and cover them with a plastic tablecloth.


    Go look at the popular trend of the last 8 years.

    Build a proper wooden structure with a slope. attach one end of a (tarp) Shlack to top of structure. At the end and bottom of structure affix a PVC pipe to tarp. Roll the tarp up with the

    PVC in the center much like a roll of Bounty and the cardboard center. Tie up on top with heavy duty clothes pin or

    heavy Duty Clips. when it start raining remone pins and let it roll down the slope covering your succah.

    If you have a hard time understanding this, just take a stroll in your neighborhood. If you have a least a handful of chasidim in your svivah you should find a least a few of these contraptions.

    Patent Pending…



    Yea , don’t even worry about it. We dont do it we just fold up the chairs and put them against the wall.

    golden mom

    we always tucked in the chairs under the table and covered the whole thing with a heavy plastic i thought ur not allowed to fold table and chairs on shabbos and yom tov?!


    Bein Hasdorim

    I thought the top of the sukkah had to be flat. I’ve never seen a sukkah with the schach on a slant. It sounds like you’re describing the triangular roof of a house, where the center is higher than the sides. I get the tube inside, a great idea. Could you please explain further the slope?


    Isn’t there an issue with opening a “tent” on shabbos (umbrella, etc.)? How are we allowed to open a tarp? Is this issur during shabbos only, or also during Yom Tov? Sorry, I can’t remember from last year.


    mommamia22; No the succah roof stays flat as well as the schach.

    there is just a frame of wood built to sit atop the schach.

    like four pieces for the frame.





    then four pieces like the legs of a table going up on each corner.

    first two shorter back two longer



    then a frame above them, leaving you with a frame work that allows

    to place a tarp above it that can be rolled down above succah and schach! hard to draw here.










    now that looks like a 5yo drawing, sorry.


    i thought ur not allowed to fold table and chairs on shabbos and yom tov?!

    Just make sure not to fold on the creases.


    The wood frame sits on top of the schach (with the tarp rolled up, pinned, waiting to be unrolled) the whole sukkos? We’re allowed to put something “permanent” on top of the schach??

    ps. you’re drawing/explanation worked! I get it. Thanks!

    moi aussi

    bein_hasdorim, are you talking about the patent from Yankel Hoch, the schach that needs no shlag?


    mommamia22 Isn’t there an issue with opening a “tent” on shabbos (umbrella, etc.)? How are we allowed to open a tarp? Is this issur during shabbos only, or also during Yom Tov? Sorry, I can’t remember from last year.

    Attention those who have a shlock; in order to open and close it on YT/Shabbos you need to unroll it a tefach erev YT to avoid the issur of ohel/making a tent, rather than just extending an already existing one. This is also neccessary if you roll it back on YT/Shabbos, always let it remain open a tefach. Chag Kasher v’sameach!!


    “you need to unroll it a tefach erev YT to avoid the issur of ohel/making a tent”

    Actually, the thickness of the rolled up tarp is already more than a tefach wide; so you may not need to do any pre-unrolling if it rests on the inside of the sukkah.

    Shloks are ok and manageable for small to medium size sukkas; otherwise I agree with golden mom and put the tarp/plastic cover on top of the table.

    Also, I’ve seen entire sukkahs collapse due to the heavy rain water accumulation on parts of the shlok; not a pretty sight.

    Best of course, if you can afford it, is the in-house sukkah with the roll away roof; but you’re pretty limited in sukkah size.



    Thank you so much.


    mommamia22 u r welcome.

    cherrybim Actually, the thickness of the rolled up tarp is already more than a tefach

    I believe the poskim bring a gemara against this since a roll is evidence that it is not an existing tent and are machmir but a partially unrolled is ok, if I have a chance to post the source later I will, if not u may want to check in MB chelek 3 simanim on ohel and binyan.

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