Bishvili Nivrei Oilam

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    What does it mean?

    How is it possible for everyone to say this?


    its a little tricky and deep but the easiest way to understand it (while necessarily removing some of the more esoteric meanings) is that for me alone, even if no one else existed, would be a sufficient reason for Hashem to have created the world.


    That should not be taken als ga’avah. The implication is that you (that is, each indvidual) should consider that you alone are responsible for the continued existance of the world. I.E. It’s your Torah, Avodah and gemilas chesed upon which the universe rests.


    what mr kaufman says is correct, however i believe cutie understands this and is exactly the point she is confused about.

    ill restate her question if i may:

    how can each person in the world believe that everything in the world depends on him alone? this is a self-contradiction. you might say well of course it cant be true but one should pretend that this is so, nevertheless, as a stimulus to Avodah. could be but i believe the inyon is much deeper than that.


    Mod, I didn’t say that anyone should believe that the world rests on them alone. I said that one should CONSIDER himself so and act as such. Even in the secular world or, at least in my secular world, a good atitude to have is that ” If I don’t do it, it won’t get done.”

    Clearly, there are deeper levels of understanding the principle but for pratical application yours and my previous comments suffice.

    am yisrael chai

    It’s easier to understand when considering that the other pocket has ????? ????? ???????


    We also have no idea what each individual’s tafkid on this earth is. So therefore we each have to do our best as if the world were created just for us.

    am yisrael chai

    Just heard 2 shiurim last night before selichos by R Shafier (TorahAnytime) that deals with this question.

    The world could have been created with maamad Har Sinai with all of us there.

    Yet the Torah shows how Hashem prepared the ENTIRE world for just ONE person, Adam.

    This teaches us the principle of that the world was created for ME.

    He then continued that in the Next World, we remain the same character that we’ve become in THIS world.

    So that using TIME, a most precious commodity, we must have goals and accomplishments and become the person we wish to be…


    It is an empowering and humbling concept. Each individual is an “Olam Malei”. As other here have said, Hashem would have created the entire world just for me. On the other hand, that also presents me with an awesome responsibility; it reinforces the mindset of not relying on the merits of others to keep myself – or the whole world! – going.


    Why not? We are all necessary pieces in an amazing puzzle.

    We need everyone. No matter if you are a middle or a corner pieces.

    We need it all.

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