All Mechila requests here

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  • This topic has 27 replies, 19 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by WIY.
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  • #599504

    I hope You All forgive me if i ever said (wrote) anything bad about yuou or mean or you got insulted or anything….I forgive you!! do you forgive me?

    title edited


    I thought about this once actually. I see no reason why someone cannot be Over on Ona’as D’varim for things said in the CR. However, Lechatchilah one should probably ask Mechila in person if possible instead of in the CR. So if someone hurt someone in the CR they might be Mechuyav to track them down and ask for Mechila in real life.


    of coursee (for nothing)! and i hope everyone forgives me too!

    [but i thought ur not supposed to like text forgiveness,.. hmm would it be allowed for cr?]


    And considering the practical impossibility of doing that?


    It’s probably the same as if you’re in a different city. They say if you have to then B’dieved you can ask for Mechila over the phone. The CR can’t be much worse than that. And if you have no other choice there really is no other choice.


    guys do you forgive me too if I ever did anything or said anything that hurt anyone? actually I could not have done anything so lets just say for anything that i said.


    I know i have offended some people over the course of the year please be mochel me and i am of course mochel all my brethren and sisteren (is that a word?) in the cr.


    I’m mochel you, Goq, for your attack on me on the other thread.


    Shlishi thank you for forgiving mew but that was hardly an attack just the fact that you are so sensitive seems to prove my point.


    I forgive you, Goq, for your denial too.


    I forgive you too shlishi


    Do all of you forgive me for everything i did 2 u?



    I know of one member that I insulted, and even though I apologized, its only right that I ask mechila.

    So please forgive me.

    And if there are others who I did wrong (but am unaware of it) please consider this as a mechila request as well

    I think as a kappara, you should tie yourself to a tree in the forest for the bears.


    If I said anything inappropriate or hurtful it was unintentional ….or maybe it was the booze….(I gotta cut my hinking drabits next year!)

    I ask mechila, and am moichal all.

    I love you all yidden and wish you all well.

    L’Chaim L’Chaim


    gumball, who’s your yahadus teacher? her lessons must be great if you are so inspired to do teshuva!!!!


    In short we at CF are all well meaning.

    Some of us, however just post without rereading and therefore may hurt someone unintentionally.

    Perhaps, CF should have an agreement we sign before we can enter.


    I forgive anyone who said anything if they said anything harmful or mean to me or about me even though if it happened I didn’t notice. I hope I am forgiven for anything I have said.


    bpt- do you mean that to go to me? please dont do that to yourself I promise i forgive you 100%. i dont even remember what happened. i tend to forget these things very fast!


    “as a kappara”

    That would be warranted, had I managed to get a few choice posts slipped by when the mods were busy harassing other members. But for the 2010-2011 season, I’ve been a (relatively) good CR poster, so I think a public admission of being at fault will be a fair pennance.

    Besides, the bears are still rubbing their tummys from all the SuperSnacks and Bamba they ate over the Summer. That, and I’m a bit on the lean side right now, post Summer. I’d make a sorry snack.


    And I still think my nail polish wisecrack that you Mods squashed is one of the funniest ones I’ve come up with.

    C’mon, admit it.. as you were hitting the EDIT button, you were laughing. You had to squash it, but it was still funny.

    Still, the CR is still the CR, so we move along!


    therealmgama-LOL i have a really good Yehadus teacher actually Shes AMAZING!! i started LOVING subjects tis year that i didnt like the past years!!


    First, I would like to thank the various moderators who have PREVENTED me from offending or hurting people.

    Second, I am sorry for any offense I may have given, intentional or unintentional.

    Third, I forgive anyone who thinks they may have offended me, I have enjoyed my time in the Coffee Room and thank you all for your participation.


    I try hard not to be offensive or hurtful, but in the event that anything I have posted has hurt anyone, unbeknownst to myself, I am truly sorry. I am also moichel anyone who might have done the same to me (and since I can’t remember who you are,let’s just let bygones be bygones). We should all have a gebensched and healthy new year filled with many simchas, and have whatever yeshuos are needed. K’siva v’chasima tova.


    My turn. I try to stay on top of my bad choices and ask forgiveness as I go along, but I would also like to take this opportunity to ask mechila from anyone that I might have hurt or offended and of course I am moichel anyone who might have thrown a punch or two.

    Eizena Kup

    Hello Everyone,

    At this special time before Yom HaKadosh, I’m taking this opportunity to beg forgiveness from ALL posters, people whom I dealt with not such a pleasant manner. I’m trying to better myself. I’ll try hard to be civil, gentle, peaceful, gracious. Again please be mochel me (and any other S/N I may happen to have <gasp!>). ESP ARIES, and OOMIS, our highly respected personalities here, whom I have regretfully at times tangled with.

    Thank you.

    As for me, I’m mochel B’lev Shalem any and all who have hurt me, whether in speech, writing, or otherwise. Whether they’re contrite or not, even if the’ll continue to hurt – ALL IS FORGIVEN!!!

    ??? ???? ??? ??? ?????!!

    A good, sweet, fulfilling year to ALL!!

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    I humbly beg mechila for the times I may have insulted other posters.


    Do you Mochel me?


    I would like to ask Mechila of anyone I have insulted or hurt in any way. Please be mochel me. I am mochel bleiv shaleim everyone here.

    Have a gmar chasima tova!

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