I found the following on Rabbi Yosef Gavriel Bechofer’s blog:
Monday, August 08, 2011
Achdus Yisroel Resolution
We all know that the recent horrific murders require a response of avodah against sinas chinam. As my own attempt to work on this terrible phenomenon, I am mekkabel al atzmi bli neder that from Tisha b’Av until Roch Chodesh Marcheshvan 5772, I will bli neder avoid the use b’ksav and b’al peh of the divisive terms “Charedi” (aka “Haredi”), “Modern Orthodox (aka “MO”) and “Centrist Orthodoxy.” I am willing to entertain refraining from other terms as per any suggestions.
If you think this might be a good avodah, please spread the word. Add a comment here, write about it on another blog, sign up to the FB page (and Google+ if I can figure out how to do it) I hope to make on this topic.
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