Attack of The Yitush! (????)

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    The Gemorah Gittin 56b talks about how Titus HaRasha was infected by an organism with only one opening (the ????), which entered his nostrils and literally ate his brain.

    From Reuters

    A dangerous amoeba that thrives in warm, freshwater bodies in the heat of summer caused the recent death of a 16-year-old Central Florida girl, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control confirmed on Monday.

    The amoeba typically enters a swimmer’s nose and invades the brain causing an almost always fatal infection, according to Jonathan Yoder, an epidemiologist at the CDC in Atlanta.

    From Wikipedia

    In humans, N. fowleri can invade the central nervous system via the nose, more specifically through the olfactory mucosa and cribriform plate of the nasal tissues. The penetration initially results in significant necrosis of and hemorrhaging in the olfactory bulbs. From there, the amoebae climbs along nerve fibers through the floor of the cranium via the cribriform plate and into the brain. The organism begins to consume cells of the brain piecemeal by means of a unique sucking apparatus extended from its cell surface. (Emphasis mine)

    From Wikianswers

    When a hungry Amoeba approaches to some food particle, it produces out its pseudopodia in the form of food cup which engulf the food particle by turning into food vacuole. the food also contain some water. this complete ingestion. the next step is digestion which is faciliated by the lysosomes. A few lysosomes surround the food vacuole and get fused with the membrane to discharge their enzymatic contents(proteases, amylases and lipases)into it. Hence the digestion is intacellular.

    Although the young girl died, one can not help to think

    Ma Rabu Ma’asecha Hashem!


    Nice post. However, the Gemara doesn’t say that the ???? ate Titus’s brain or caused his death. It only says it banged on his brain and caused him a lot of pain.

    ☕️coffee addict


    correct but they found it the size of hummingbird so it did more than peck at his brain


    Maybe it ate other stuff.

    I’m being stubborn I know.


    Soooooo gross!!!!!!!!!!!

    I wonder if it is the same type of organism. Pretty cool that you realized the similarity.


    A Yitush is either a gnat or a mosquito, not an amoeba.

    But it’s nice to think of your Gemorrah when you read a news article. With Titus it was totally a Neis. The Yitush probably doesn’t usually eat brain cells and definitely doesn’t grow to the size of a bird.


    A Yitush is either a gnat or a mosquito, not an amoeba.

    That is what is generally thought. However, the gemorah specificly states that the Yitush has only one opening so that food can enter, and no additional opening so that it can exit. The only creature that qualifies (that I am aware of) is an Amoeba.

    ☕️coffee addict

    also to second GAW,

    Hashem said it is His smallest creature which would be an amoeba

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