How Did You Break Your (Musical) Fast

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    What did you have the first minute chatzos rolled in?

    Me? I took out my violin and played yesterday’s ???? ???? ??? and ??? ???? etc. It plays so differently when it’s so fresh.


    I broke out the electric guitar and played Enter Sandman, from beginning to end. (Minus the solo.)

    Zees, you play the violin?


    Haven’t yet, but plan to do so on Yehuda Solomon’s Havdoloh


    MiddlePath: Baruch HaShem, yes. A little.


    decided to wait a little, not to be like a spoiled child in this generation who is hovering over the food counting down the seconds.

    Were still in golus, so I try not to run the first second as to exercise self control, and not diminish the Effect the 3 weeks had on me.

    The 3 weeks have Affected us. (free english lesson)

    (not saying a/t wrong guys, enjoy your music, it’s a mitzvah to be happy!) have all those who can’t play an instrument in mind.

    I’ll strum some acoustic later, then sit down by the piano.

    tracht gut

    plugged in my ipod into my ears……wow just luv the sound of music..


    Zees, that’s awesome! I would really love to learn the violin. I’ve played many instruments, and I’ve found the violin to have the most pleasing sound. Perhaps when I have more time, and more money, I’ll get a violin. Do you give lessons?


    bein_hasdorim: You’re right. I should have also waited. Just goes to show that someone even bein_hasdorim & bein_hazmanim could strive for higher dargos, more self control. I admire you.


    MiddlePath: I’ve not finished learning yet. I can teach you, though, which side of the bow is supposed to contact the instrument. (kidding)

    btw you could purchase a cheap student one to start on. Yes it IS pleasing, and oh, so moody. Right now my finger are stiff, lead. So hard to restart after such a long break. I’ve had a ‘heter’ for the sefira period, I didn’t want to ‘play’ around during the three weeks.


    I was working, so it wasn’t until I got home after 10 p.m. that I could finally turn on WFMT. Ah!

    The Frumguy

    Did I miss the Beatles!!


    It’s really not a big deal, but I feel, I, we, got so pampered, in this last generation, that when we are restrained halachically

    by a certain time, like shabbos, or a fast, etc.. ppl are lined up to count down the seconds, & I understand them, their busy, hungry, have to run to work, or meeting, but please! Just wait another few minutes, don’t run away so fast.

    HB”H gives us life and time, & i’m sure he’ll cover us for those extra few min (to say the least) not to faint, or lose money,

    or miss whatever it is we’re running to.

    Zees Amush, for you to say “You’re right. I should have also waited” Instead of going on the attack or defense, shows you’re B”H on a high Madreigah! Hatzlacha!


    My brain doesn’t know from the 3 weeks. I’ve got some tune or another going through my head constantly.

    always here

    I just listened to Kiki Dee’s “I’ve Got The Music In Me” (1974), just a few minutes ago. .. first music in 3 wks!!! 🙂


    The camp to which i went used to call someone down to the camp before chatzos. She gave a small inspiring speech and then she would sing with us slow songs and explain how it’s not right to run out of the three weeks. We would sings songs about yerushlayim…and dance…it was a bueatiful uplifting experience!


    I was in a Yiddish store that played music. It made me wonder if why they couldn’t have that the whole three weeks. Who invented that electronic “dance” sound, and why?


    No offense, but I think a frum guy should not listen to the beatles


    r’ shmuel brazil kumzits on



    sorry, yutorah


    adi ran. awesome

    Shticky Guy

    My brain doesnt know from the 3 weeks

    stop baiting haifagirl…

    I took out my violin…

    remember there’s 8 notes in an octave, not 7 ☺

    Coming back on topic, my kids banged on the NYBC cd as soon as they realised it was chatzos


    Shticky, actually there are NO notes on a violin. (wow, you really keep track..)


    Zeeskite, I looked up some info about violins, and it said that the strings are tuned- E,A,D,G. That’s the same tuning progression as a guitar (on the upper 4 strings). So, it seems like the transition from guitar to violin wouldn’t be so difficult. I was wondering though about this: The violin is fretless, so how do you know where to place your finger to play the right note? Is that something that comes with experience?


    MiddlePath: Yes, I afraid so. (and I thought you were the ultimate authority on music). It take so much practice and drilling. Eventually it comes like one’s voice, where there’s no notes, but most are able to hit it right away. There are other instruments without notes, as well, I think tuba. My brother plays a flute without the keys – just the mouthpiece. He curves his hand around it, tightening and loosening to produce to notes!


    Kako, I’m sorry you feel that way.

    I was at work when chatzot came, so I had to wait whether I wanted to or not. When I left work I turned on the radio.

    tracht gut

    Middlepath:being the ultimate authority on music can i ask for ur advice? i would love to start playing the guitar, whats the best way to learn how to ? (without private lessons)


    Zeeskite, thanks.

    tracht, I wouldn’t say I’m the ultimate authority on music, but I know enough…

    About learning the guitar, I would first ask you this: What type of guitar playing appeals to you? Slow, acoustic strumming? Fast electric rhythm? Playing note by note (lead)? Finger picking?

    Once I know what type you want to learn, I can give you techniques and tips that will help make it a lot easier. But for starters, the best free place to learn the basics of guitar playing is Youtube. Personally, when I started playing, I didn’t have access to a computer so I learned from a book: Guitar for Dummies, purchased at Barnes and Noble. It actually helped a lot.

    Before you begin learning though, I must say the following: Be aware that many beginners think of giving up. This can be due to lack of patience, hurting fingers, and other things. If you are really serious about it, you must look past this. Your fingers WILL hurt at the beginning. It may be a slow process. But it’s a price worth paying.

    Side question: Would you say you have an ear for music? Because that makes things a lot easier.

    If you want, you can start a thread (if there isn’t one already) dedicated to guitar tips and techniques. I’d be happy to teach you everything I know.


    By the way, the violin string are GDAE. From one string to the next is a fifth. In a guitar, it goes EADGBE. I’m not sure why the B was put after the G, but in general the string are a fourth apart.


    There are other instruments without notes, as well, I think tuba.

    I think you mean trombone. Unless, of course, you are referring to the fact that valved instruments can create more than one note with each combination of valves.


    Haleivi, yes, violin strings are GDAE. I listed them the wrong way before, my bad. And about the B string on a guitar, it is weird..But I think there are explanations for it. One is- If that string would be a C (Which would flow with the rest of the strings), then the high E would have be an F (5 notes higher), to make it flow. And that would cause major problems, since the low string is an E, and it helps when those two strings are the same note (Unless you are in drop-D).


    haifagirl: Yes, that’s it. You’re also chief of music enforcement etc.? WOW, such talented posters here. Where have you all been hiding. (remember the ‘show off your talent’ thread?)


    Don’t mean to intrude on anyones conversation, but in answer to the OP, it was Memories (from Journeys?)- somewhat Tisha B’av related.


    cell alert

    i listened to the new sheves Achim CD a-m-a-z-i-n-g

    and on my casio i played Bilivavi The old one

    and also Kah Ecsof also really old – i just heard such a nice version by L’Chayim Tish.

    another good listening option is the new Yoni Stern CD.


    Just turned on my computer, and broke it Perlman playing Zigeunerweisen.


    cell alert

    What’s a casio? An instrument?



    How do you not know how to play that solo?

    If your looking for my favorite solo from that artist, it would be the one from Hero Of The Day. Easily the one that fits in to the context of the song the best!


    Matisyahu’s Dispatch the Troops. Very poignant – it’s about us and our kids and us and our relationship with our Father and begging for Moshiach.


    I did Morah Music with my small charges.(We had a blast!!)

    Feif Un

    I listened to an old favorite of mine – Shmelke’s Niggunim


    Ok, I am still addicted to AKA Pella Platinum-does that count?


    stop baiting haifagirl…

    Good advice.

    remember there’s 8 notes in an octave, not 7 ?

    There are (or, if you prefer, there’re) 8 notes in an octave.


    cleverjewishpun, of course I know the solo! I just happened to play the rhythm throughout the song that time. Hero of the Day does have an awesome solo- great song all around. My favorite solo from them is the one in Master of Puppets- the slow solo. It is beautiful. Also love the intro solo to Sanitarium. What’s your favorite album from them? Mine is definitely Ride the Lightning.


    What’s a casio? An instrument?

    Casio is a brand name of an electronic keyboard.



    Favorite would have to be Master Of Puppets but I think they hit their peak on …And Justice For All. I just wish Justice would have been recorded under better circumstances because the bass is non existent.

    BTW, I have Ride The Lightning on vinyl, it sounds amazing!

    cell alert


    sorry i play a Yamaha Keyboard. Since my 1st keyboard’s company was Casio- i have been calling a keyboard “a casio” ever since! sorry for the confusion!

    Feif Un

    MiddlePath: I agree about RtL! Great album! My favorite solo is The Thing That Should Not Be – it’s just so different from everything else.


    Feif- The Thing That Should Not Be is a great song, too. What’s your favorite song from RtL? Mine is either Fade to Black (awesome intro) or Creeping Death…because it’s about yitzias mitzrayim!

    cleverjewishpun- Justice was an all around amazing album. You can see their talent bursting out of One..but yes, the bass was basically silent. The drums had a weird metallic sound, too. Was the lack of bass due to the rift between James Hetfield and Jason Newsted? Just a thought…

    My favorite moment from Justice: “Darkness. Imprisoning Me. All I See. Absolute Horror.”

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