Star Trek Halacha

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    basket of radishes

    I am willing to bet that going through a transporter in a star trek like universe is against Halacha. What do you guys think?

    Are there any other items of star trek interest that might need a halachaic discussion? Warp Speed? Hologram chambers.

    Oh the things we think of at 4 in the morning….


    Wolf? I would expect you have something to say here?

    Practically, the question does arise with test-tube grown meat (Don’t know if this is Star Trek enough), does it require shechita, and can it be the type of a non-kosher animal?

    ☕️coffee addict

    You would have to ask a rebbe of mine his father wrote a few scripts for it


    what if youre broken down to your atoms and then reassembled…


    you should really be sleeping at 4 in the morning


    Are Jewish Klingons considered ffb or bt?


    With regard to the transporter, it might depend on the type of technology used.

    Does the transporter transport matter? In other words, does it disassemble you, transport your molecules to the destination site and then reassemble you there?

    Or does it merely transport information? In other words, does it merely send the information about how to reconstruct you to the destination site and then use whatever matter is there to reconstruct you?

    The difference might be in whether or not you are still considered you after transport. In the first case, it’s still all you. In the second case, however, it could be argued that the transporter actually kills the person being transported and then creates a duplicate of him/her at the destination site. I’m almost certain that that would have practical differences l’halacha.

    As for replicated food, I’m pretty sure it shouldn’t be a problem. Provided that it’s not actually made out of forbidden foodstuffs, it should be no worse (halachically) than imitation shrimp.

    The Wolf


    Klutz Kashas…


    Lighten up.


    Is there an issur yichud between trills and cardassians?


    Practically, the question does arise with test-tube grown meat (Don’t know if this is Star Trek enough), does it require shechita, and can it be the type of a non-kosher animal?

    So I thought about it, and decided it is probably Taloui on the Machlokes Amoraim/Rishonim in the seveth Perek of Nedarim regarding Rabu Heter Al Issur legabai Shvi’is.


    i thought klingon was a form of hungarian


    I don’t see why it would not be permitted, although of course it would be problematic on Shabat as you would be traveling beyond the techum limits.


    Is there any problem with the vulcan “handshake” which was the way the Cohanim duchan


    The test tube grown meat doesn’t come off a test tube grown animal, it’s grown as shaped and flavored protein so the only sheilos are about the kashrus of the raw material.


    rebbe1: If you’re talking about the hand sign that looks like half of what the kohanim do, I don’t think its a problem since it is only half of what the kohanim do when they duchan.

    I think you can do it with both hands provided you don’t put them together the way the kohanim do.


    derech –

    I havn’t heard of doing each hand separate (that it is not a problem). Do you have a source for that?


    I don’t have a source but it stands to reason:

    If you are not doing the sign that the kohanim do, what reason would there be to say you can’t do it?


    I was told (and my family are Kohanim) that it is assur to put the two hands together with the fingers split that way, if you are not a kohein who is duchening. That is because the formation of the two hands together is the shape of the letter shin and the Shechina flows throw the kohahim’s hands when they are in that position, which is a reason why one may not look at the kohanim at that time.


    Now you see why your mother told you that its very importent for kids to sleep…

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