Why do politicians and others think they'll get away with dirt?

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    People in the limelight are most likely to be found out, because everyone likes a sensational tidbit. The media is much less interested in Joe Shmo’s indisgressions. But, if a person is well-known, wealthy, orthodox, etc and headlines about the person will sell papers, you can be sure the shmutz will surface.

    How do these morons not know they’re playing with fire and will likely wreck their reputation and be the talk of the town, when they do dumb things, whether criminal or otherwise inappropriate?

    Is the answer that these are generally impulsive actions, not planned?


    excuse me

    joe shmo is a (infrequent) poster here and you should not be implying he is involved in indiscretions.


    We are all like that. We forget that all is being watched and will be reviewed in the Olam HaEmet.


    MDG, We forget that all is being watched and will be reviewed in the Olam HaEmet.

    Unfortunately many are more concerned with how they’ll fare in the prozdor than in the traklin .


    Mod 80, my apologies to Jo Shmo, of course!!!


    People allow their egos to cloud the little bit of common sense they posses. Anyone will true common sense control their egos and stay out of the public eye.


    aries, Anyone will true common sense control their egos and stay out of the public eye.

    What about very wealthy folks or those who have high visibility jobs, who are in the public eye simply because theyre very wealthy, well known donors, or have powerful positions, not necessarily political, etc. I dont think that many would pass on wealth and/or high visibility positions.


    Ofcourse, its their egos that get them into trouble, not their jobs or their wealth.


    hate to burst your bubble but just because one congressman was caught, there are probably and were probably many who have done/ were involved with very inappropriate things. They just weren’t caught and most think they won’t get caught.


    …should have kept true to the tribe, in all senses!!


    sdhn, true…. I guess people think they’ll be among the “lucky” ones whose vices stay private…. but the recent news, sending pics to strangers…. c’mon, its almost as if he wanted to get caught.


    Simple. Because at the moment of “indescretion” they are fully covinced that what they are doing (embezziling funds, taking a bribe, whatever) is not a crime, its a-ok.

    Its when they get caught, they face the music.


    “The media is much less interested in Joe Shmo’s indisgressions. But, if a person is well-known, wealthy, orthodox, etc and headlines about the person will sell papers”

    Um, duh? Probably half of America (if not more) is engaged in the very same behaviors as Anthony Wiener, the ONLY thing that makes him interesting is the fact that he is a public figure, why we expect more from them, idk.

    If Wiener would have just said: ‘Yes, that is me, but that is my private life so it is my business. I have not committed any crimes.’ it wouldve all gone away, instead he chose to be a politician about it and thats where he shot himself in the leg.




    comes from “indiscrete”

    sorry but i think haifa girl is on vacation



    Oooops, howe abat iff Ii rite de werd indiscretion fivty timez and promiz neva ta spel itt incurrectly agen?


    Everyone will get caught in the end. Their friends today will be their enemies tomorrow. That’s how politics work.

    Dovid S.

    Power corrupts. When you have control, other people seem to be smaller to them, and as such they think themselves “higher”.

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