harvard or brisk

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  • #597078
    always happy27

    would you rather your son-in-law go to brisk or go to harvard?


    Is this a trick question? Obviously any frum yid would choose Brisk.


    I know I’m going to be called a “moderne apikorus” for this, but I don’t care:

    I’d rather have a mentsch from Harvard than a rotten person from Brisk.

    I’d also rather have a mentsch from Brisk than a rotten person from Harvard.

    And if the choice is between two people who are both mentsches, one of whom went to Harvard and the other to Brisk, then my choice would be which ever one my daughter wants.

    The Wolf


    I’d rather have a mentsch from Harvard than a rotten person from Brisk.

    I’d also rather have a mentsch from Brisk than a rotten person from Harvard.

    And if the choice is between two people who are both mentsches, one of whom went to Harvard and the other to Brisk, then my choice would be which ever one my daughter wants.

    Well, I’d rather have the one my daughter wanted, even if it is the rotten person from Harvard.


    Well, I’d rather have the one my daughter wanted, even if it is the rotten person from Harvard.

    True enough.

    The Wolf


    Popa, you outwolfed the wolf.


    I don’t think WM or PBA answered the OP’s question. If your son-in-law asked your advice should he attend Brisk or Harvard, what would you advise him?

    Assuming he could get into and be successful in either, I would advise Brisk.


    How about what the Lubavitcher Rebbe did. Both Yeshiva and Colllege. Sounds pretty good to me and I’m not Lubavitch at all.


    I would rather my son-in-law do what he chooses to do and I would much rather stay out of it!


    I don’t think WM or PBA answered the OP’s question. If your son-in-law asked your advice should he attend Brisk or Harvard, what would you advise him?

    Why should I advise him based on what *I* want? I should advise him to do what is right for him and his family, whether it be Brisk or Harvard or anywhere else. What *I* want and what *I* would prefer is really irrelevant.

    The Wolf


    It is not irrelevant if he is asking you for advice.


    Wow, what a way to beat a around a bush. The question is what you would rather, not which one would you force or marry. I guess I would rather Brisk, although I would rather some other Yeshivos more than that.


    Why should I advise him based on what *I* want? I should advise him to do what is right for him and his family, whether it be Brisk or Harvard or anywhere else. What *I* want and what *I* would prefer is really irrelevant.

    Amen brother.


    I know someone who went to yale and brisk 🙂

    Why choose one 😉

    always happy27

    would you rather your son-in-law sit in kollel all his life and struggle to make ends meet or a boy who went to harvard and will (key word)IYH! make a good living support his wife, your daughter and be a baal chesed and have regular sedorim?


    depends on which is offering a better scholarship/tuition adjustment.


    would you rather your son-in-law sit in kollel all his life and struggle to make ends meet or a boy who went to harvard and will (key word)IYH! make a good living support his wife, your daughter and be a baal chesed and have regular sedorim?

    I’d rather my son-in-law struggle in Torah all his life.


    would you rather your son-in-law sit in kollel all his life and struggle to make ends meet or a boy who went to harvard and will (key word)IYH! make a good living support his wife, your daughter and be a baal chesed and have regular sedorim?

    I would rather my son-in-law do what’s right for him and my daughter. He will have to decide, with his wife, based on his abilities, temperament and the way they want to live their lives what the right choice is for them.

    The Wolf



    I think I would tell my SIL to speak to his Rov or mentor, and I am staying out of it.


    why can’t he go to Harvard and learn as well? If he is smart enough for Harvard, he can certainly do both….

    I hope my children marry well educated people with good jobs and a love of Torah learning


    Why not go to Harvard and have Seder with the Bostoner Rebbe


    The Best is a person who doesn’t talk during davening!


    just to go to harvard and not learn “aint gonna cut it” and just to go to Brisk without a solid plan to make a living “aint gonna cut it”

    the best for me is someone that works, makes a “livable” salary and makes time for learning as well.

    c’mon people this should not be such a chidush. Common sense al pi hatorah.


    I think we misunderstood the OP.

    What he (she?) may have meant to say was, “should I insist on a son in law that went to Brisk, the Harvard of the lyeshiva world.

    What possible use could someone have from a Harvard grad? How would they explain this to the neighbors?


    Why would I want someone from Harvard if I can be zoche to get someone from Brisk@!?!?!?!

    ☕️coffee addict

    personally I don’t go for the brisk mentality, so I’ll change it to the Mir.

    and yes I would take the one from the Mir


    Well we now know thanks to another thread that the seminaries charge 22K. Harvard is probably about the same. And Brisk is somewhere in the $0 range, so I would assume for those financial savvy people Brisk just makes more sense…


    “Obviously any frum yid would choose Brisk.”

    Not necessarily — there are other great yeshivas, just as there are other great universities besides Harvard.

    always happy27

    2 boys both are really good guys both have very good middos, both learn alot, both are someone you would want for your daughter but 1 decides after 2 years in beis medrash he wants to go to harvard and the other decides to go to brisk . which if it was up to you! which would you choose?


    I would not choose a husband based on the school that he went to and how much it costs.


    ” I can be zoche to get someone from Brisk@!?!?!?! ”

    That depends. Did you go to a $22k sem? If not, you may have to “settle” for someone to only went to Harvard

    ” and yes I would take the one from the Mir “

    Good choice! That’s why you see caps that say, “I got into Brisk, but went to the Mir

    (I have yet to see a cap that says the reverse)


    That depends. Did you go to a $22k sem? If not, you may have to “settle” for someone to only went to Harvard

    nope i did not…oh well



    The poster was not talking about different yeshivas and selecting one over the other. The question was between Brik and Harvard.

    How does the fact that there are other yeshivos have anything to do with the question?

    Perhaps you can elucidate.


    lichoorah brisk. Or perhaps Harvard. Is it tuloi in the gavrah or the cheftzah? It’s not pushit. I need to klerr about this.


    As many have suggested: learn & learn. Ie, both of them together.

    Obviously, the one who studied at Harvard can, if he wants to, work in a job where he only has to work 25 hours a week or so and still earn a decent salary, and spend the rest of his time learning Torah (while not having to live from gifts). I think that would be the ideal solution, even if it means having to live on a lower level of wealth than the ‘average’ fulltime Harvard grad.


    the one who studied at Harvard can, if he wants to, work in a job where he only has to work 25 hours a week

    Which degree are we talking about that you can work 25 hours a week? Most jobs work closer to 25 hours a day.


    “the one who studied at Harvard can, if he wants to, work in a job where….. “

    He can live modestly, support his family, and retire at a relatively young age and devote the rest of his life to learning.

    ☕️coffee addict


    LOL good point!

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