From Aneinu: UPDATE ON BOYS IN JAPAN: The final verdict in the appeal of Yaakov Yosef ben Raizel is scheduled for next Monday May 16, which is Sunday in America. The closing arguments for Yoel Zev ben Mirel Risa Chava is scheduled for this Thursday May 12th which is Wednesday May 11 in America. PLEASE daven and say Tehillim for them! To join a worldwide Tehillim Program on their behalf, see This coming Motzei Shabbos, May 14th at 10 PM NY time, there will be a special Tehillim teleconference. The call-in number is: 212-990-8000. Pin number 3067#
It is very nice to see such acdus about this case.
At the same time we should think about innocent people in our own backyards who have unjustly been incarcirated and it is as if they disappeared off the face of the earth. Can we start listing names that we haven’t seen/heard about in a while and daven for them too and help them with their court hearings if still possible?
This coming Motzei Shabbos, May 14th at 10 PM NY time, there will be a special Tehillim teleconference. The call-in number is: 212-990-8000. Pin number 3067#