Let’s all take a few minutes today to remember the soldiers who gave their lives to protect the lives of millions of innocent Jews. Let’s also remember all the victims of terrorist attacks.
It says that someone who saves one life is considered to have saved the entire world. For these soldiers, whether frum or not, there is a special place in Gan Eden. They have saved not only one life, but millions.
but we shouldnt turn this day into a holiday, only chazal can declare holidays not the state of Israel. However I do appreciate all that the soldiers are doing for us.
Chazal don’t care if the state wants to create a holiday where government offices, banks and businesses are closed and alternate side parking is suspended.
Rav Shlomo Zalmen used to say that when he wanted to go to kivrei tzadikim he would visit Mt. Herzl. Let’s remember the ones who fell and appreciate the ones still alive.