You Spoke,I Bought…

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  • #596674

    Someone in the CR recently recommended Yitzy Bald’s latest CD.

    I bought it and I am thoroughly enjoying it!!

    You should get commission!


    I just listened to an interview that he gave on some music thing over the phone. sounds like a great guy…did not get the cd yet though.

    Shticky Guy

    Someone in the CR…

    Agreed. I think they should get commission also.

    Ps which half of the sefira do you keep?


    whole thing- i think i am the only one in the whole world who does


    I thought it was you!

    2nd half because I get music-separation-anxiety! Then of course after Lag Baomer I wish I woulda started right away!!

    Shticky Guy

    Yes of course it was me

    The Birth Of Something Great!

    Adorable: I also keep ‘the whole thing’ as do many chassidish or sefard people. I explained the reason in one of the sefira threads, k’minhag arizal. If you disregard the days where there is no aveilus or tachnun eg yomtov, rosh chodesh and shabbos, then from Pesach to Shavuos there are 33 days.

    Those keeping 1st or 2nd half is just another way of counting 33.

    Eclipse: If I had a choice, 1st is shorter, cos 2nd is basically whole thing besides from pesach to rosh chodesh which is only a little more than a week.

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