See the promblem with you is that your the loser who is on yeshiva world all day, and who has no life! One of my threads that made it big was- “1 million frum jews in the state of NY”, so that proves i do have good topics and choices and don’t make your comments to me on-line, you could speak to my face if need be!
Chayav, sorry but I find your comments derogatory and not necessarily true. Certainly not a “welcome aboard” to a newcomer. YOU do not know what others choose to open or not and what they choose to answer to or not. This is only your own opinion.
At any rate, welcome aboard “KNISH”, you sound good enough to eat. 🙂
I have nothing against ya,knish,but,like I said before,you gotta stop screaming at us with all these caps on….can’t you just talk without shouting? Other then that,I don’t really have an oppinion about your posts……