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    My .02

    What do you do when you can’t fall asleep?


    I lie awake.


    Is it nightly or just Motzei Shabbos? How long did you sleep in te afternoon and Friday night?


    A lot of people complain about this. I never had this problem in my whole life, B’H. I will tell you one thing -never lie in bed if you can’t sleep. Also, meds aren’t the way to go. All the medical sites on the web are full of info on insomnia.

    Be Happy

    Make jigsaws, or phone family and friends on the other side of the ocean who are still up due to 5-7 hour difference – time zones.


    Download shiurim on your MP3 player which you can listen to.

    Theory is not to get out of bed.

    Yes, i know it is very upsetting to look at the clock and realize how long you are laying awake.

    Insomnia is also age related and affects women more than men.

    On occassion i am forced to take something just to get to myself.

    i am here

    Listen to relaxing music. drink some worm milk, read a book for a half an hour. then try again.

    Milk normally has no worms, so maybe try strawberries instead….


    Maybe his milk does. And it wouldn’t be drinking, more like eating.


    My .02- Do you drink Cafeine (Cola or Coffee) before retiring?


    I lie awake.

    You shouldn’t lie at all.


    Dr. Peter Hauri has a pretty good book called No More Sleepless Nights.

    I assume there aren’t any other physical symptoms, like weight loss, rapid digestion, tremors? These and more could indicate hyperthyroidism. (Despite what drs push, the best treatment is not nuking the thyroid and leaving a patient hypo for life but anti thyroid drugs.)

    i am here

    Oh c’mon a typo WARM milk anyways on this happy note I ws up practically the entire night last night emetine in the wee hours of the morning I did.


    Emetine is a drug used as both an anti-protozoal and to induce vomiting. It is produced from the ipecac root. (Wikipedia: Emetine)

    tomim tihye

    insomnia= ain shaina


    tzippy -“(Despite what drs push, the best treatment is not nuking the thyroid and leaving a patient hypo for life but anti thyroid drugs.)”

    Is this your own medical opinion, due to your vast medical knowledge or did you get it from somewhere?


    sit in a hot bath and relax then get into comfy pj’s and relax/read… list to music… enjoy and good luck!


    What do you do when you can’t fall asleep?

    Depends when. Before Pesach, I can’t sleep because there’s just not enough time for such trivial matters. I’d have to purchase a 30-Hour-A-Day-Machine to put this issue ‘at rest’.


    Learn some Torah 😉

    i am here

    Thats what happens when you use an ipod for typing up stuff they put in the word. It got me laughing though.

    My .02

    “I will tell you one thing -never lie in bed if you can’t sleep”-Health

    “Theory is not to get out of bed.”-Lia

    I’ve tried both-neither works.

    “On occassion i am forced to take something just to get to myself.”

    Wow-i wish you can share with me what that “something” is-it sounds like it might be good!

    Yank- I don’t drink caffeine

    “I assume there aren’t any other physical symptoms, like weight loss, rapid digestion,” This you call a symptom? I should only be so lucky!

    Adorable-great advice- I think I’ll take it, except that I have to put in a full day of work, and that’s hard to do on no sleep.

    “Learn some Torah ;)” That always works by day- you may be on to something…

    The mp3 idea may be good if I could find a captivating speaker- any ideas?

    Anyway, thanks for all the advice. I better go-(yawn) it’s almost morning…


    I would love to tell you that I have time for that but I know that it works!


    i have the opposite issue- i am tired by day and can sleep for 12 hours a night but i dont get that and then i am tired! and GROUCHY!


    My .02 – You gotta to try all the suggestions. I just listed one. – “All the medical sites on the web are full of info on insomnia.”

    There are so many, I wouldn’t have the time or energy to quote them all here. I recommend the book called “Doctors Book of Home Remedies”. Possibly for free on the web called “Mother’s nature”.


    OP try a cup of Lemon Balm and Valarian Root Tea. This combination is very calming and good for Insomnia.


    many times that happens to me and its bec i forgot to say shema once i say it i fall asleep

    My .02

    Yank- do I need a health food store or does it come with the common brands like Wisotsky?

    Most posters seem to be anti meds- why?

    Health- I’ve tried them all, but maybe I should read the book…it might put me to sleep:)


    Most pills will probably make you drousy the next day – you will go from unable to sleep to a perputual state of sleepiness.

    I drink wine when I cant fall asleep. It usually works – if not I have another cup Lchaim!!!!

    My .02

    I’ve tried wine and it actually works wonders putting me to sleep(plus some fringe benefits) but it is not a long term solution.

    There is a natural product called melatonin-they are drops that go under the tongue. Anybody have info on that?


    bored- do you have lchaim with anyone or just sneak into the kitchen and drink? sounds like I would suggest melatonin faster than that!


    “There is a natural product called melatonin-they are drops that go under the tongue. Anybody have info on that?”

    I’ve heard of it. It’s supposed to mimic the body’s melatonin, which is the hormone the body produces during sleep. Does it work? Supposedly for some. I don’t need these products to sleep, B’H!

    So obviously you haven’t -“I’ve tried them all”!

    Read the chap. on Insomnia in the book I mentioned. You can probably get it online at the website I mentioned!


    take it from someone who lives with this:

    Think of good things that happened to you or good thoughts in general

    say a kapitul tehillim in your head repeatedly

    Chamomile tea

    A calm boring book

    Melatonin, take an hour before sleep every night. it tends to work quite often on me.

    Relaxing music (i got a heter to fall asleep with if it effects my health, but its a last resort)

    Slow breathing, deeply in, hold for few seconds breathe out slowly

    as a last resort, if its been nights and i can’t function at all anymore, i took a sleeping pill. Twice in my life – but id rather

    do anything but that.

    last but not least, DAVEN AND DAVEN AND DAVEN it almost became part of my daily tfillos that i should fall asleep


    adorable – I actually drink wine in the quiet house and relax with it (whihc also helps). And I dont sneak it – I dont have anything to hide from anyone


    Who needs sleep?


    my father says when u can’t fall asleep, you should lye down, close your eyes and imagine a blackboard and “write” 100, then make a circle around it(your still just closing your eyes) then erase the number and “write” 99 and circle it.. keep going till you fall asleep [*you never make it all the way to 1] 😀


    I turn myself around so my head is by the foot board. Changing positions help. If that doesn’t work – If I don’t fall asleep after 45 minutes, then I get up and read in the living room for like 30 minutes and try again.

    I also used to think up crazy math problems in my head and try to solve them. It was so complex that I could think about anything else and fell asleep.

    Shiurim also help you relax and clear your mind. I put my mp3 on very quiet and listen to it until I’m about to doze off.


    If you still can’t sleep & are tired at work, you may want to try this: wait til the next night & crawl into bed, but imagine that it’s STILL noon & that you’re STILL at work & that you STILL have a lot of things to do & that you STILL just reaaaally want to take a nap. This has worked for me before.

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