Appreciation feels good!

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    Im putting my protective gear on once again.

    Come Chanukah or Purim, or any Yom Tov, or anytime, send a $10 or $20 box of chocolate or something small to a Shadchan who put lots of time into Shidduchim for you…It’s a nice thing to do… especially if you ask for special favors from them…

    It shows a little more effort than saying Thank You and surely won’t hurt your relationship. Even if a single works with many Shadchanim, they can usually afford that much per Shadchan. Even online Shadchanim, they’re people too, and their time is important to them too.

    Be Happy

    Your title was Appreciation feels good. (No mention of Shadchonim)

    If that is the case there are endless people who we need to show appreciation to like parents, siblings,teachers, doctors dentists, bus drivers, shopkeepers…. the list is endless


    Some say hakoras hatov is THE foundation for being a good Jew.All that’s good stems from APPRECIATION,if you think about it.


    I think part of the problem aggravating the Shidduch crisis is our attitude that those who choose to be Shadchanim should consider it a Chesed just as if they were Bikur Cholim volunteers. Perhaps one of the differences is that Bikur Cholim and similar volunteers, dont enter into it with any thought of payback from humans. Most Shadchanim do. I think, on the whole, Bikur Cholim volunteers, and similar, are a more noble bunch.

    Now how do we get Bikur Cholim volunteer types to be involved in Shidduchim??? To my knowlege, there are none who do both, possibly because they require different personality types.


    Same personality,not enough hours in the day


    Interestingly, most of the really busy dyed in the wool Bikur Cholim volunteers I know, are Askonim’s wives who purposely stay away from redding Shidduchim, for fear of alienating people.

    They are people pleasers and want to remain that way.


    everyone doing something for another person deserves appreciation so whysingle out shadchunim.


    “send a $10 or $20 box of chocolate or something small to a Shadchan who put lots of time into Shidduchim for you…”

    Looks like Andy is safe w me for a while.


    Sac, who’s Andy?


    President Andrew Jackson (He’s on the $20 bill)


    Funny. How about Alex and Benjy and friends? Are they all gonna keep Andy warm and cozy?

    always here

    several years back, I gave to a shadchan- who redt a couple of boys & esp. one who my daughter dated a dozen times,- a Jewish book on matchmaking, I believe, that had just been published. for the life of me, I can’t remember it’s title!


    Appreciation feels good especially from people you look up to. By the way if there are any Bens floating around out there I will gladly take them or you can go to the ‘how to get a free trip to isreal’ thread to find out how to donate.


    If you heard the desparation of some of the singles and parents who I speak to, I think they’d gladly part with some Alexes, Benjys and Andys for even a date. But getting two sides to agree on a date these days, is harder than shoveling A BLOCK FULL OF SNOW! It’s blood sweat and tears.

    Thats why so few want to even try.

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