expensive Tzidaka advertising

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    I have only a limited amount of charity that I can give and I want to give it to the right places. Here is the thing; every week in a number of weeklys and newspapers there are these expensive high gloss adds for certain tzedakahs. Other organizations do extensive advertising blitzes in other ways such as radiothons, expensive radio adds, expensive endless advertising in newspapers, mailings etc.

    And I fully understand the need to advertise. But some of these things rub me wrong. I am hesitant to give my money to some places that are spending tens of thousands of dollars on advertising that a bunch of people will pray at the kotel for your bucks. It sounds so contrived and fake!

    And the whole radiothon on 770wabc also rubs me wrong. Why does the whole world need to know about it?

    I need some clarity.


    Doesnt it work the more you advertise the more money?


    Lakewood Dude – I disagree with you, who are we to start daning if yenim is doing the right thing? Im sure these organatzias have a line of rabbonim backing them, and dont do things without the rabbonims concent.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    A shame of yiddisha gelt.

    Not as much “yiddisha gelt” is wasted as you make it out to be. Most of the advertising is in “yiddisha” publications, and they use, for the most part (if not completely) “yiddisha” marketing firms.


    I agree! And who said that these big tzedakah organizations are run the most efficiently? Who said they *really* know whats going on across the spectrum of the poor and needy?

    Thats why my tzedakah money goes to local tzedakahs (here in EY) and to mosdos hatorah that I know personally, and that I am personally involved in them. I find that these tzedakah organizations have their finger on the pulse of their community and know who needs, how much, and in what priority.

    If the mods agree, I can be contacted regarding organizations that I am involved with personally. We can even work out a personalized dontation program for you, where you know exactly what need your money is coming to help support.

    The mods do NOT agree


    The Yeshiva where i work just came out with our chinese auction booklet it is far fancier than we have had in previous years, bigger book, more pictures, all in color on thick glossy paper

    is the extra expense necessary? i dont know i dont think it will make that big of a difference but who knows?

    always here

    The Goq– ALL the Chinese Auctions have come out with bigger, fancier booklets. I’m just sayin’


    The publications who run the ads, etc. give huge discounts to the tzedakas and are lucky if they get paid at all in the end. So don’t even wonder about what was paid for the ads it should never be your daigah, because you never know if someone sponsored the ads, if they got a discount or if the publication donated the ad space.

    As for where to donated money. Everyone need to support the mosdos or tzedakas that THEY feel and choose that are most important to them. If it is a hospital, a yeshiva, a bikur cholim. Whatever touches your heart, that is where you contribute the bulk of your tzedaka and where you should consider getting involved. You don’t choose a tzedaka by the size or quality of their ads.


    I used to learn 5am to 8am with a netz minayn in NY. A collector came with his glossies collecting for a Kollel in Beitar that learns davka overnight. I gave him something of course, but I asked him ” will you support me, I also learn from the night into the day?” Today , BH I live where the local kupa is well advertised yet with modest means, while in the whole of EY, the “contrived” approach is ruling the public square.


    yes always i know that is the trend but is it necessary ?

    always here

    Goq– it’s competition. there are two main times when a bunch of tzedukahs make auctions @ the same time: Oct./Nov. & Jan/Feb., and are vying for your contributions. right now I have 5 booklets next to me & about 2 that I know of online. all that I’ve given to in the past, but now I have limited ma’aser & tzedukah :((


    Yes, i am in agreement with much that is said above. In addition to the beautiful booklets are unnecessary mailings. To our address come multiple booklets to people who moved away as long as 12 years ago. When i once called one of the organizations to let them know and commented about waste, i was told that someone sponsors these mailings/booklets. My comment was that wasting someones money that someone is intending for tzedaka is not correct. The mailings are still coming. Unfortunately we have to be careful before we give and no one has the right to tell us which cause is more important. One of our rules are not to give to organizations that send us multiple mailings even to our name.

    On our recent trip to Eretz Yisroel, there were boxes set up in malls and storefronts to some popular organizations. Do your homework and remember “if in doubt do without”.


    Im sure these organatzias have a line of rabbonim backing them, and dont do things without the rabbonims concent.

    But the rabbonim might be interested in maximizing income while as a donor I’m interested in maximizing efficiency.


    bezalel – Please elaborate more… If this is the way to maximize income whats your problem?


    I want as much of my donation to go towards the cause that I’m donating to. If I’m donating for the poor, I want as much as possible to go to the poor and as little as possible to go to ad agencies and publishers.


    always may your situation change for the better as well as the situation of all our wonderful mosdos


    Bezalel -I dont understand you, you arent paying for their advertising more then someone else. For example when you donate monsey to a yeshiva, so your money isnt going to pay the janitor more than to pay the rabbaiom, it is equally getting distrubuted into the yeshivas expenses. There is no reason to think that your money is going to pay the janitor. Same here why are u assuming youre money is paying for the advertiing?



    There is one thing that can be wrong with the picture, and that is the fact that they have to revert to these tactics in order to convince people to give Tzeddaka. However, there are so many important causes to give to, and they are merely trying to stand out.

    Yes, I happen to know that the ones who advertise heavily, pay heavily. Most often, they make a small percentage profit from what they spent. It might be sad, but it’s not wrong.


    doing a mitzvah is great. getting others to do a mitzvah through yours is greater. therefore money that goes for advertising, is better than money that goes just for the cause, even if the “cause” money makes us feel better.


    There is no reason to think that your money is going to pay the janitor.

    Actually a percentage is used to pay the janitor. If the janitor were to be given a six figure salary than a larger percentage would go to the janitor and less to the rabbaim.

    However, there are so many important causes to give to, and they are merely trying to stand out.

    But they are just diverting tzedokah away from other organizations that are run more efficiently*. As a result less money is left for the true charitable use.

    doing a mitzvah is great. getting others to do a mitzvah through yours is greater. therefore money that goes for advertising, is better than money that goes just for the cause, even if the “cause” money makes us feel better.

    But they aren’t getting people to give tzedokah*, they are getting people who are already committed to giving tzedokah choose one organization (or cause) over another?

    *I’m sure there are some who wouldn’t have given otherwise but the revenue generated from those donors are probably less than the advertizing campaign.

    always here

    Goq– AMEN! thank you


    If the same Tzedaka organization will send a plain advertisement, will we give less money? My understanding – it was not a question if organization need advertisement, but why advertisement need to be so expensive? After cutting the check we put in a garbage every add – the most expensive one and very plain


    Bezalel – I don’t unerstand you, Do you agree the that more money spent on advertising increases the income?

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