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MDA: Please donate blood!

blood drive.jpgDue to a blood shortage, Magen David Adom is opening extra blood donation centers in multiple areas including Yerushalayim, Chaifa, Tel Aviv, and Beer Sheva. According to Arutz 7, one reason for the shortage is the large number of transplant surgeries being performed over Pesach. Six transplant surgeries have been done within two days in Petach Tikva. The number of blood donations is also down due to the Yom Tov, when many Israelis travel.

One Response

  1. When I visit, I always do give (I have a rare blood type and am very active in blood drives in my community as well), but with reservations because of the chances my blood could go to arab sonei yisroel including those wounded in “work accidents”. Even though my blood does not davka go to Yidden in the US, at least I can be relatively sure that it will not go to someone who will go on to kill Jews or literally stab me in the back.

    Is there a way to make sure Jewish blood does not go to Arabs? Can we contact a Bikur Cholim organization to get the name of a particular patient ? Or is a designated donation just a way to replenish the general blood bank on behalf of said patient so that he or she is not forced to pay huge blood bank fees (I think that is how it works in the US).

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