There’s been very heavy media coverage of the “Beer Diplomacy” – the meeting between President Obama, V.P. Biden, the Harvard professor who was arrested, and the arresting police officer. (I’m sure most people are familiar with the story. If not – you can read YWN’s story on it.)
I was curious what people’s thoughts are on this new & unique method of dealing with differences.
to paraphrase William Gilbert, It is not so much what is on the table as who is on the chairs. When you invite people to your house, you usually supply food and beverage.
ronsr: We jewish people have this obsession with food that we call “kosher,” I don’t about William Gilbert, but food such as fried pork ears don’t exactly fit into our diet. We sort of care about what we are consuming just as much as who we are dining with.
I think the most respectable and honest thing at that table was actually the bottle of beer.
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