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    Pres. Obama wants to push Obama Care on all Americans.

    What should Yidden feel about this? Do the Gedolim have a stance? Will it mean less care? Pulling the plug more often against family wishes?

    What do you think about it?



    Obama will find himself without resources or support for his pie in the sky plans. The price of oil is rising which means no recovery despite his attempt to turn the US into a Nordic socialist paradise.

    Therefore, this Obamacare = utzu etza vesufar, dabru dovor veloi yakum.

    And the great thing about the US system and others like it is that private enterprise will never be prevented from offering another option. So, like many Canadians who carry US insurance, Americans who want real healthcare will carry supplemental private insurance. If there is an halachic issue, then with all the frum entrepreneurs in the insurance business someone will have a plan davka for us.

    But, again, the Obama gezeiros will never happen. Not in EY and not in the US. Der Eibershter firt dem velt..


    Therefore, this Obamacare = utzu etza vesufar, dabru dovor veloi yakum.

    ha ha ha! Very good point there!


    What it means to me is more taxes. Which is going to come close to putting me out of the workforce – between transportation, two daycares and the tax benefits of not working (my husband would get us all as a deduction, plus our tax bracket would be lower), there is no reason for me to go to work.

    Of course I won’t be able to afford Yeshiva tuition, but then I could homeschool.


    “the Obama gezeiros will never happen.”

    Didn’t people also say that Obama would never be elected? Or that, if he were, they would all move to Canada?

    ABC has a special interview with Obama at 10:00 tonight. I don’t watch much TV, but I’m definitely watching that.


    JF2, please report back to us afterwards.


    SJSinNYC: See you’ve been listening to SL 🙂

    Kilo: “So, like many Canadians who carry US insurance, Americans who want real healthcare will carry supplemental private insurance.”

    The Kollel families who cant afford the extra care will be left out in the cold. They may have to wait months CV for care (acc to that side of the debate).

    I’m surprised (if) no Gedolim have discussed this at all.


    I really don’t have much time to spend here today, but I’d like to comment here:

    As I understand it, Obama’s “ein fal” that you are calling “Obamacare” (cute) is not the beast you think it is. My feeling is that everyone here believes his idea is a National Health plan, similar to what Canadians have, or NHS across the pond. This is not actually what he is proposing (at least right now).

    From what I understand, this is supposed to function as a “public insurance company”. Those who can’t get private insurance will be able to purchase it from Uncle Sam’s shop. He (Obama) pretends that it will be cheaper than private insurance because they have no profit objectives. (Of course, that is foolish. Any public “company” has operating costs far in excess of private ones and manages to lose oodles of money.)

    Again, this is not Universal Health. If it were, it would be dead before it even made it onto a piece of paper. For those who are too young to know, Universal health in the US is not (by far) a new idea. Kennedy (the senator) made a big push for it in the 70s. I think there was also a push in the 30s, but I’m not sure. Hillary was working towards this in the 90s. There were others, too. Do some research if you are interested in details. All failed; all will continue to fail.

    Getting back to the package at hand, I believe it too will fail. Big drug companies don’t want Uncle Sam getting more involved in their price structuring (as they would if US had a National health plan will millions of participants). Big insurance companies certainly don’t want the competition. Both have big money and money=lobbyists=control of the Senate. They will kill the bill, whether or not it is actually harmful. Don’t worry, this too shall pass.

    Basically, this plan is like Medicaid. Medicaid is run by the States, but this would be run Federally. Better? Certainly not. Worse? Probably not much. The future of US Health Care? Likely not.

    Does anyone know more about this or disagree?



    Gavra_at_work, we are assuming that kollel can continue as it does now when most are seeing a crisis in the system that calls for changes.

    We are also underestimating our own capability for chessed.

    What could end up happening is that the bikur cholim organizations that also offer medical referral and insurance assistance will take up some of the slack among unzerer, just as their counterparts in EY do when the bureaucracy does not provide proper social services for those who are suffering L”A.

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