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WH To Unveil Strategy For Fighting Drug War

The White House is unveiling a drug strategy today that shifts the focus of fighting the war on drugs to treating the problem as a public health issue.

The new policy – to be announced later today – calls for putting more money and resources into the prevention and treatment of drug abuse.

It will boost community-based anti-drug programs and expand treatment to mainstream health facilities.

The plan also encourages health care professionals to ask questions about drug use during routine check-ups. The Obama administration is hoping to reduce youth drug use by 15-percent over the next five years.

Drug reform advocates praise the policy shift, but point out the government continues to spend about twice as much on enforcement as it does on programs to reduce demand.

(Source: NY1)

2 Responses

  1. As long as drug dealers are allowed to circulate among our youth and entice them to “just try” drugs, our naive youth will get hooked for life.

    Japan and Taiwan have the right idea. Give the death penalty to drug dealers, period!

  2. #1 I totally agree with you.

    “The White House is unveiling a drug strategy today that shifts the focus of fighting the war on drugs to treating the problem as a public health issue”;

    Translation; They want; Yet more people in the government controlled “health care” scam both to artificially inflate the numbers of thiose who “need” it and to have another excuse to tax us to death to pay for it.

    They can also then lie, that “crime went down” because the drug issue would be off the crime blotters, and it would look like there is less crime, since it would not be reported as such.

    The problem will still be there and we will be forced to pay far more for it both in terms of money and in terms of lives lost, to the drug abuse.

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