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NBC: Black Bear on Prowl Within 3 Miles of Manhattan

Police in Englewood, N.J. tell NBC they have spotted a black bear about three miles from the George Washington Bridge that connects New Jersey to Manhattan.

“The last sighting was in Denning Park,” said Deputy Chief Larry Suffern late Monday night.

Suffern said his officers first spotted the bear on Sunday, and kept it under observation all day Monday until they lost it in the park.

He said police called the state, but  said he was told “Game(Fish) and Wildlife won’t come unless it’s an aggressive bear.”

So far, Suffern admitted the bear has shown no signs of aggression.

“We were informed to just monitor it, that it’s just looking for its habitat,” Suffern added.

Englewood is one of New York City’s original bedroom suburbs, lying just across the GW Bridge from Upper Manhattan.

This is not the first time a bear has been sighted this close to Manhattan.

About a decade ago, a bear was seen and photographed by police on the Palisades Parkway in neighboring Englewood Cliffs before moving north through Tenafly and Cresskill toward more  natural habitat.

But Englewood, with a thriving downtown and leafy streets, may be the place to be for the state’s growing bear population.

Deputy Chief Suffern said “Three weeks ago we got a report of two or three bears, a mother and its cubs.”

(Source: NBC New York)

9 Responses

  1. “So far, Suffern admitted the bear has shown no signs of aggression”

    So… let’s wait until it kills somebody???

  2. I say they should allow bear hunting in both New York State and New Jersey. Then we won’t be reading about these sightings anymore.

  3. This was in the Wall Street Journal. A herd of bears was seen in lower Manhattan, apparently hacking into the stock market. Some believe they are from Greece.

  4. To #2 – So tell me Daniel, should we evacuate New Jersey???
    I’m not advocating killing the bear/s (except in an emergency) BUT they should be tranqilized and moved to a zoo or wilderness area where there are no people.

  5. #5
    We can’t evacuate New Jersey because the other 49 states will NOT accept the people.
    BTW have you ever noticed that all the bridges and tunnels charge you for LEAVING NJ not entering it. I suppose there is a reason for this.

  6. If I lived in Manhattan, I wouldn’t be too concerned. I don’t think the bear is going to cross the river.

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