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Netanyahu to Meet with Mitchell on Wednesday

As George Mitchell prepares the groundwork for his mediated talks between Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority), Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu appears anxious to return to direct talks, with an atmosphere of low expectations surrounding the mediated talks. Israeli officials are aware that PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) is entering the talks with a closed mind and an ever-growing list of demands and preconditions, setting a stage for failure. PA officials including Dr. Saeb Erekat has made a number of threatening statements, warning any construction by Israel in the capital or throughout Yehuda and Shomron will bring the limited talks to an abrupt halt.

Mr. Netanyahu is scheduled to meet with Mitchell in Israel at 5:00pm on Wednesday. Prior to that, the prime minister will meet with his security cabinet and closest advisors, explaining his strategy and defining his red lines. Israel has indicated that Jerusalem wishes to begin by addressing security and water issues in the talks, both of paramount importance. Israel is also signaling that while the proximity talks are a welcome reality, the prime minister is anxious to return to the negotiating table without a mediator, in a direct diplomacy setting.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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