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MK Rav Amsellem Acts to Protect Kovod HaTorah

MK (Shas) Rav Chaim Amsellem has turned to the chairman of the Knesset Law Committee, Kadima MK David Rotem, to take action after Jerusalem District Court Justice Amnon Cohen has ordered former Rishon L’Tzion HaGaon HaRav Bakshi Doron to appear before the court to give testimony in a case.

In his appeal to Rotem, a shomer shabbos Jew, Amsellem explains that many people read of this in the media and this significantly compromises the standing of the Chief Rabbinate in their eyes.

The law does make provisions for such a case, permitting someone of the Rav’s stature to give testimony in judge’s chambers or other acceptable accommodations to avoid compromising his status and stature of his position.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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