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US House passes resolution for missing soldiers

us house.jpgThe U.S. House of Representatives passed a resolution calling for the immediate and unconditional release of the three Israeli soldiers being held captive by Hamas and Hezbollah.The resolution by Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-N.Y.) passed Tuesday in a voice vote referred to Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev, who were abducted by Hezbollah in a July 12 raid, and Gilad Shalit, who was kidnapped by Palestinian gunmen on June 25. Red Cross medics and international mediators have been denied access to the soldiers, and no concrete evidence has been offered as to their well-being.


6 Responses

  1. Ackerman has forever been the best advocate for Israel in congress.
    At least this sends a message to the families that the US is with them and sends a message to the kidnappers as well.

    PS What was it everyone was saying about the democratic majority not supporting israel??

  2. There needs to be NO FUNDS contributed to PA/HAMAS and maybe then we will hear about the timely release of our soldiers. Let’s hear a voice from the EU demanding their release also!

  3. B”H, it’s been a long time coming. I’m thrilled that we have stood forward and said “no more!”

    The best part is where they say “immediate” and “unconditionally.” Now where’s the “heat” to push this resolution into the Arabs’ faces?

  4. I think that Ackerman and the “Democratic Majority” want us to believe that they support Israel, but you will be hard pressed to find any true support there. Resolutions are a political tool used to gain favor with a particular voting block without really doing anything concrete on their behalf. Resolutions are just a way of saying on the record that they all agree on a certain subject, and are not binding on any person or entity. This resolution and a dime won’t even get you a cup of coffee much less release our boys from captivity. The families of these soldiers to not need to be patted on the back. They need their sons back. Personally, I find this resolution an insult to our collective intelligence, and feel that we need less meaningless gestures and more concrete action. Bklynmom has the right idea – cut off ALL funding of ALL Palestinian entities immediately, and create a deadline for releasing the soldiers or they lose all their aid for good.

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