IDF Civil Administration inspectors escorted by riot police arrived at Shavei Shomron in Shomron on Monday to destroy six partial buildings intended for use by the yeshiva. The construction of the structures began prior to the 10-month construction freeze. Reports from the scene indicate the rav of the community and rosh yeshiva, Rabbi Yehoshua Schmidt, was knocked to the ground by police. There are no reports of injuries.
Residents explain that a demolition order was issued against the structures a number of months ago but the community petitioned the court and a restraining order was issued freezing any action by authorities. The rabbi and a number of residents tried to speak with police commanders, but to no avail. The destruction was carried out as ordered by Defense Minister Ehud Barak. Community residents insist that the actions of officials were totally illegal.
Gershon Mesika, the head of the regional council in which Shavei Shomron is located decried the move, stating that once again the state continues its enforcement policies against the Jewish community while continuing to turn a blind eye to widespread Arab law-breaking.
Mesika stated no less than 200 police arrived on the scene and the damage is estimated at NIS hundreds of thousands, “if not over a million”.
“The buildings were destroyed within 15 minutes. We didn’t have time to act. We will pursue legal action against all involved” he concluded.
(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)
4 Responses
Barak = bakar -> the brains of a cow
Barak = ba-rak -> inside, empty (of a Jewish neshama)
Barak = rakav -> decay, rot
Barak = karov -close to being dealt with by HKB”H, Am Yisrael’s TRUE “defense minister”.
YWN editor – I think this major chilul HaSh-m by the government is definitely important enough to be in your main section to be seen by more readers.
How dare Jews build on or live on Jewish land.
#3 – Yes, you are right!
Why should the world think we have a right to live in and build up our land when the (so-called) “Jewish” government doesn’t seem to believe it!